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Phil had the tendency to doodle. You're probably thinking "oh, yeah, perfectly normal! Everyone gets bored in lessons and doodles in their books" but no, not like that. He draws on his arms. (My friend does this and everyone thinks it's weird?? I don't think it's that weird?)

Some days, he'll have a full sleeve of little drawings, from detailed animals to random patterns of hearts, swirls and polka dots. Other days, he'll stick to little symbols on the bottom of his wrist.

His mum hated it. She always lectured him, saying the same thing every day: "your poor soulmate! His arms must be covered too!" See, in this world, anything you wrote/drew on your arms would also appear on your soulmates. It was both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on your tendencies... for Phil's soulmate it was a bad thing.

Phil sat in English, doodling on his arm once again. He drew a little music note, then a heart, then a panda... there wasn't really a theme. It was just random things that ran through Phil's head whilst his teacher rambled on about Macbeth (or was it Romeo and Juliet? Phil didn't know because.. well.. he wasn't listening).

There was a knock on the door half way through and Phil didn't even bother to look up. A boy wandered in before having a hushed conversation with the teacher and taking a seat beside Phil. "Excuse me..?" The boy mumbled, refusing to meet Phil's gaze when he looked up. He was pulling at his sleeves and fidgeting in his seat. "The teacher said I could copy your notes."

"Are you new?" Phil simply said, rotating his book for the boy to read.

"Uh.. yeah..."

"Cool, I'm Phil."

"Dan." Dan started to write out his notes as he felt Phil's eyes glued to him. After a couple of moments, Phil's eyes went back to his wrist and he started to draw little planets and stars.

Dan felt a tiny tickle in his wrist and nervously glanced around before lifting up his sleeve. His eyes widened as he noticed a planet being drawn.

The exact planet Phil was drawing.

"Oh my.." Dan muttered, one hand moving to cover his mouth. Phil looked up, concerned for a second before realising.

"You're my.."

"I'm your.."


Okay so I kind of want to write 'The Photography Project 2'. But the problem is I don't know what the new project should be? I have an idea for a storyline that isn't based around a project but I'm not sure what to doooo

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