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Day 12 and I haven't forgotten to update yet it's a miracle

"Okay," Dan said, his hands on his hips. "I put all the money into the safe." Phil nodded as he listened. They were on holiday (for their honeymoon) in Japan and they had both agreed that it was a good idea to put all their money into a safe so they didn't lose it or spend it all at once. "What's the combination again, Phil?"

"3011." Phil recited easily, remembering how it was the day of both of their birthdays put together.

"Good, now let's get some sleep."


"Phil!" Dan called, biting his lip as he tried to remember. "What was the combination? It has kind of... slipped my mind." Phil wandered in the room, wearing a panicked expression.

"I can't remember. I thought you'd remember it?"

"Crap." Dan muttered under his breath, beginning to pace up and down the room. He knew it was somewhere in his brain but he just.. didn't know exactly where.

"Was it the year?"


"The year we met?"


"The year you were born? The year I was born?"

"I don't know! It will come to me, okay? Stop stressing." Phil almost laughed at how hypocritical Dan's statement was: he was the one pacing around with an angry but contemplative expression on his face. His eyes were screwed shut as he searched his brain for the stupid four digit password.


"Ah! You're a genius!" Dan practically dived towards the safe, putting in the numbers 3011 and grinning as it unlocked. He turned to Phil and kissed him directly on the lips. "I'm such an idiot for forgetting."

"I know. I am too. Maybe we should write it down next time?"

"We probably should."

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