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Day 9: pair you wish would collaborate. ETHAN AND DODIE LIKE OH MY GOSH THEY SHOULD SING TOGETHER THAT WOULD BE CUTE (also woah I didn't know they had met each other)

Dan and Phil had just taken a trip to a furniture shop, purchasing a brand new wardrobe for Dan's bedroom. It was a glossy black colour and was somehow taller than both men. Phil opened up the box, tearing it open and pulling out the materials.

He laid them out on the floor as Dan examined the instructions. "Okay, so," Dan started, pointing out a long plank of wood and then another.

Around an hour later, they had something that- kind of- resembled a wardrobe. Just... without doors. It would have had doors if Phil hadn't dropped one of the tacks. They were both on the floor, searching for the tiny item to no avail. Dan looked under the sofa just to find an empty darkness.

Phil picked up the box, peering underneath that and- aha! It was there! "Got it!" Phil practically yelled, grabbing the tack and heroically holding it up in the air.

This is crap but like up until not long ago I had no idea what a tack was oops

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