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I almost forgot

"Daddy, please can we feed the ducks!" Dil whined, tugging on the bottom of his father's coat. Dan just nodded, telling Dil to wait one moment whilst he got some bread from a nearby shop.

"Ducks are so cute, aren't they?" Phil spoke up and Dil looked at him with a wide grin on his face.

"Yes! They're my favourite!" Dil then started to make 'quacking' noises, making them both burst into fits of giggles.

Dan returned and looked at them with a confused expression on his face but didn't ask. He handed Dil a piece of bread and he immediately began ripping it apart and throwing it at the ducks. He was practically jumping with joy when a duck waddled closer to him. Dil, as a confident little child, ran right up to the edge of the pond, throwing the bread further out 'so all the duckies can have some!'.

"You're going to fall in!" Dan said, watching his son closely to make sure he was safe.

"Daddy, look! They're coming to say hi! Hi duckies!" Dil leaned right over the edge as he waved. He must have lost his footing or the ground crumbled away slightly because the next moment he was falling. Dil screamed as Dan and Phil ran forward reaching out to the child. Luckily the water was quite shallow so it only really went up to Dil's waist but that didn't stop him from crying.

"Oh, Dil.." Dan mumbled, pulling the boy out of the water. "It's okay, you're okay..." Dan pulled Dil into a long, protective hug; he didn't really care that it made him almost as wet as Dil.

"I scared the duckies away." Dan turned to Phil with wide eyes, expressing how adorable he thought the boy was. He wasn't crying because he was wet or hurt, he was crying because he scared the animals away.

How adorable and pure.

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