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The world was ripe with pollution and people had long abandoned it to move onto the next planet. To put it simply, those left were the rejects.

Stuck on a now desert waistland, only one pair of men remained, their clothes ripped and their faces drained of life. Neither had drunk or eaten in a few days so they were beginning to get weak.

The plant life was slowly dying along with the two men. Most leaves had gone brown but you could find the occasional green. These green leaves were like a lapis lazuli: rare and precious.

They had been walking side by side for a few hours, just searching and hoping to find some other form of life. They didn't want to be alone anymore.

Days passed, plants died, the men got weaker but still nothing.

But one day, when they were so close to giving up as their stomachs groaned for food and their throats were the Sahara desert, they found a car.

It was fairly intact. All the doors but one were there and there appeared to be people in there. They ran eagerly to the life, the adrenaline giving them one last spark of energy.

"People!" Someone yelled at them, smiling rather forcefully.

They found people and despite the fact that their days were numbered due to the lack of food supply, they were okay. They got to spend their last days with people they became friends with.

I had to look up rare gems for the one shot and can I just say Steven Universe came in handy XD

(Yes Lapis is my favourite character other than Lion in Steven Universe)

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