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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope you all have an amazing day because you deserve it!

What presents have you goooot?

I got loads really! Lots of bath stuff,  Dodie's book, some cute earrings, a game I wanted, an album I wanted, a really cool jacket oh and MY PARENTS GOT ME DRUMS! I love drums but like too bad I can't play very well :p I need someone to teach me

People always say that relationships whilst you're in school don't last but Dan and Phil knew that wasn't true. They felt the 'sparks' whenever they touched and their hearts beat fast whenever they even think of the other person. They went on dates all the time and every time they got better and better. Their kisses were full of life and love. Their stomachs flipped whenever they met eyes.

They planned to get married one day, both of them wearing posh suits and looking handsome. They wanted to adopt a little child and call it Dylan so they could nickname it Dil, like their Sim. They wanted a house of their own and a dog (a cute Shiba Inu).

They got what they wanted.

They got married and were so happy from that day onwards. They adopted a little Dil (he was one of the cutest boys ever) and got a dog. They got a house of their own and never ever spent a minute apart.

And people say relationships at school don't last...

Fun fact to prove this story is possible for people: my aunt is still with the guy she dated in school and they're happily married with kids :)

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