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Dan was having one of those days. You know the ones. He had ripped his favourite coat, dropped a glass of water and managed to spill milk everywhere when making his cereal.

He then had to go into town to purchase a new coat and so, as he wandered into Topman, he was fed up. He just wanted to walk in, get a coat and leave. But no.

Why did Dan forget to tie his shoelaces, you inevitably ask? He doesn't know but perhaps it wasn't sheer forgetfulness. Maybe it was fate, getting down on its knees and untying the laces so Dan could trip. Who knows?

The world moved in slow motion as Dan flew forward, his mouth slightly open and his eyes closed in fear. Very conveniently a man was standing there, right in Dan's way. Somehow (obviously a miracle) Dan's slightly open mouth hit the stranger's. The other guy was knocked off his poor feet, not expecting to be tackled on a random Monday afternoon.

Dan jumped off the stranger, bright red. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean- I just-" He was hyperventilating because he had accidentally kissed a stranger and what if he hurt him? What if he had a girlfriend- or a boyfriend? What if-

"It's alright," The stranger smiled softly, brushing himself off. "I suppose I better introduce myself since we just kissed a little... I'm Phil."

"Dan..." Dan choked out, still a bright shade of red.

The rest was history.

This is gr8

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