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Yesterday I uploaded the prologue for The Unknown (a new book I wrote) maybe you could give it a read? You don't have to but it would mean a lot to me ^-^

"Have you seen Dil in his Pikachu outfit? He looks so precious." Dan said to Phil who was too busy looking down at his phone to have noticed his son standing in front of him with a Pikachu onesie on. Phil looked up and immediately aww-ed. Their nine year old son looked absolutely adorable, especially with the red blush painted onto his face.

Both Dan and Phil were going to walk Dil around the town to get some sweets. Neither Dan nor Phil were dressed up (Dan had Phil's Halloween jumper on and Phil was wearing his ghost shirt though so they weren't really dressed inappropriately for the season). It was already getting kind of dark outside and Dil was  usually afraid of the dark but, with his parents by his side, he felt safe.

They walked up to the first house and Dil timidly knocked before saying the iconic "Trick or treat!" when someone opened the door.

"You look so adorable!" The woman said before holding out a tin full of packets of Haribos. Dil nervously took a packet and placed it into his pumpkin bucket. When the woman shut the door, Dil grinned widely and turned to his parents.

"I love Haribos!" He said, extremely excited about what he was going to get the rest of the night.

By the end of the night, Dil had got a mixture of Haribos, chocolate bars and some other random things like money or oranges. He was really happy with everything he got but he was very tired after all of the walking. When they got home, Dil didn't even bother changing out of the outfit before sitting on Phil's lap and getting comfortable. Dan sat down next to the pair and put his head on Phil's shoulder. As a family, they fell asleep like that.

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