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Do you ever just say to yourself "oh I'll just read a few chapters of a fanfic before bed" then suddenly you're finishing the book. Then you find it has a sequel and before you know it it's midnight because this is me right now. I have school in the morning and I know I'll feel like crap but I just don't want tomorrow to come because I don't like school very much >.<

Dan was editing his new video and he had been all day. To say Phil was bored was an extreme understatement. He had just been sitting next to his boyfriend, playing endless games on his mobile phone and huffing in frustration every so often. It had been hours and Dan hadn't budged from his position or even showed any signs that he was close to finishing.

"Dan..." Phil whined, dragging out the 'n' and making himself sound quite childish. "I'm bored."

"I'm busy, Phil." Dan replied, quick to try and end the conversation.

"Are you nearly done?"

"Nope. I'm not even half way."

"But you've been editing all day..." Phil pouted, poking Dan's side repeatedly in order to get his attention.

"Stop it." Dan grumbled, pushing Phil's hand away as he clicked on something on his computer screen.

"But I want attention. I'm lonely and bored..." Phil leant his head on Dan's shoulder and let out a long whine, making Dan sigh dramatically.

"Fine but if everyone hates me for not uploading, it's your fault for pestering me." Dan closed his laptop lid and placed it at his side before turning to face Phil. "So... what do you want to do?"

"We could watch some anime and cuddle? We haven't done that in ages."

Dan nodded. "That's fine by me."

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