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Okay but like I am sorry because I thought vault was on here twice turns out I'm an idiot who wrote two stories from the prompt but hey, at least they're completely different, right?

This was a weird world to say the least. Each person was born with a special power (apart from the very few unlucky individuals) and these powers could be used for either good or evil.

Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ were quite a group, having all resorted to lives of crime. Dan was a reject of society, powerless and weak compared to the average person. Phil had a unique power that allowed him to unlock anything with his mind; PJ could transform into anything he could picture and Chris could teleport to anywhere in the world in seconds. All of them had a reason to hate the world.

As a young boy, Dan was harshly bullied for having no powers. As a result of this, he'd come home with burns from those who could control fire and bruises from everyone else. Phil's parents had constantly punished him for having such a "boring" power compared to his brother. PJ was constantly used by people around him: "Oh, break up with my girlfriend for me?", "Do this presentation for me?", "Fill in for me at work, will you?". Before this group, no one ever befriended PJ for PJ, they befriended him for his ability to shape shift. Chris had a similar issue with people using him for his transportation power.

Today was their largest, most dangerous mission yet. They were going to break into a bank. Easier said than done, right?

The plan was that Chris would teleport then all into the building. Obviously the building would have a field where powers couldn't be used but there was an easy solution. PJ would shape shift into a worker, attacking the individual he was impersonating and then use their facial recognition. Once they passed the field, Phil would use his power to unlock the vault and boom! Money. Sounds like a fail proof plan, right?


"Okay, touch me." Chris instructed as the group all held onto him and transported into the bank. Once inside, PJ immediately morphed into the first worker he saw, before pulling a gun out of his backpack. He approached his now-identical enemy slowly and lifted up the gun to hit him but then-

"Hey! Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" PJ swore loudly at the presence of police officers who were also holding guns. Chris discreetly nodded at his friend before PJ shrunk to the size of an ant. He quickly ran passed the officers who were in shock, searching for the criminal. They were even going as far as to helplessly shoot at the ground in attempt to stop the man from escaping.

Chris looked down at his shoe to see a tiny figure on it. Dan and Phil quickly clung to their friend and they transported away to safety.

They weren't smart enough this time.

Can I just clarify I've never broken into a bank before so like this probably isn't accurate at all oops

Oh and also this reminds me of My Hero Academia

I hate this one by the way >.<

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