How you meet:Steve

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The Fifth part of the How you meet series. Almost nonexistent cursing. Feels! Thanks for reading.
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He should have been here by now. He promised to be here. Its the one day he promised to be here. 

You look around at all your friends. Clint and Natasha were talking by the doorway. Tony and Bruce were comparing scientific theories. Wanda was flirting with Vision. Thor and Loki were talking about worthiness and events going on with Asgard. Bucky, Pietro, and Sam were talking about speed and what not. You look around trying not to cry. What would you say when tears are rushing down your face in front of everyone you knew?

He promised he'd be here. I thought I knew him better.

You rush to your bedroom covering your eyes making sure no one sees you crying. It was heartbreaking, knowing that he wouldn't arrive. Thomas was your boyfriend, your life. He had been missing things like dates or special time together. You had excused him thinking it just worked. You had gone so far to check with his boss to make sure he was free that evening. Now when he promised that he'd be here,  he wasn't. You knew immediately that he cheating on you. It made sense. It was so obvious that you weren't good enough for him.

"Excuse me, Miss, I couldn't help to hear you crying." A voice called out. You knew who it was, Captain Steve Rogers. You didn't know him personally, but he'd been on enough missions with you that you recognized his voice. "May I come in?" He continued. You wanted to say no because you weren't looking your finest, but for some reason, you said yes. He opened the door and walked over to the bed where you were hastily wiping away tears. 

"What happened, I thought it was supposed to be a celebration?" He asks gently. You covered your face with your palms to hide it from view.

"It was just...He said he'd be here." You say hopelessly.

"Who, exactly?"

"Thomas, my boyfriend. He should have been here, and I would've been so...happy" you reply solemnly, "Even if it was in ignorance, It would have been better than this."

"Hey now, he just didn't know how wonderful you were. He was the arrogant one" He says trying to comfort you. You take a deep breath trying to control your sobbing. "If I was in his place, I would have never let you go"

"What are you trying to imply, Rogers," You say your tears drying immediately. You look up at him questioning.

He rubs his neck nervously, "Nothing"

"uhuh, sure," You say smiling a bit.

"I'm not," he says with more force

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" You smile, laughing bit. Whoever thought that Steve Rogers would help you to smile?

"fine, fine I was implying that I..." he starts

"Y/N? Whats he doing here?" Someone asked from the doorway. You look up to find Thomas Staring at Steve Rogers.

"He, unlike you, actually showed up. What were you doing Thomas?" You say standing up and walking over to him.

"I was at work. I already discussed this with you." He says glaring at you.

"Yeah you see, I checked with your boss and you weren't there." You say looking at your nails. "So I'm going to ask you one more time, Where were you?"

"I was at Y/bf name, She can at least treat me better than you."

"I thought we agreed to after marriage. At least I'm glad I stuck to it" You say glaring at your ex-boyfriend "Now get out of here and don't come back"

"Or else?"

"Or else you'll have to deal with two demigods, two super soldiers, a couple of master assassins, Hulk, and a bunch of geniuses," Steve says putting a hand on your shoulder. 

"Whatever, you weren't worth it anyway," Thomas says.

He then turns and walks away from your room. You turn to Steve and hug him.

"Thank you so much, I don't know what  I would do without you?" You say.

"No problem, he was an asshole anyway." He murmurs.

"Language" You scold and then peck him on the check. you proceed to walk out leaving Captain a blushing mess. 

You walk out and go over to Bucky. 

"You should go check on Steve." You suggest to him. He stands up quickly and walks to your room. You grab a drink from the Bar and join Clint and Natasha.

"I saw Thomas walk out of here angrily, What did you do?" She asks eyeing you suspiciously. You laugh a bit.

"I just put his place" you reply and then sip your drink.

"Y/N!" Bucky calls "You broke my best friend"

Clint raises an eyebrow if to say, 'what did you do this time around'

"I might have kissed Cap on the cheek," You say laughing.

"You better run," Natasha suggests

"Yeah, I'm going to die soon," You say running up to Tony's lab.

"I'll say nice things at your funeral" Clint yells out. You run up to the lab panting.

I might have lost a close person, but I gained a closer family, you thought as you hide in Tony's weapon closet. I'm glad I finally found my forever family.

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