New Team, new life

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Pre-story information: Five hours ago, you were surrounded by family. Five hours ago, you believed in a better world. Five hours ago you thought you would never die. Now, you weren't that sure.

It all started, I'll let you guess. If you said five hours ago you win a cookie. You were going over debriefing with the A-team, aka the Avengers. It had been a relatively easy mission, just taking down some Hydra goons. You were about to walk out when a man rushed in.
"Y/n Blackwood, I need to talk to you immediately." You looked at him shocked. It was usually Clint, Natasha or Steve, never you. Tony slowly pocked your cheek which you swatted away.
"Yes...yes sir." You say still in a bit of shock. You walk out of the room and into an empty weapons hall. "So you needed me." You ask.
"I have commands to build an intergalactic space team. You are being offered a position." He says in a monotone voice.
"Umm lemme stop you there. I have a team, a family. I don't need or want a change" you state firmly. The Avengers were awesome and close. Something you never had as a child.
"Don't you often think you are in the shadows. You are the third smartest person on the team. You are the second best girl. You never had a chance to fully explore yourself." He was right, you thought. Even though they never said it, to them you were a secondary. You could summon information from the universe, but it was strong that you were crippled for weeks on end. You felt like a detriment to the team, not a help. Maybe he was right.
"Look, Mister, I am happy where I am. I may be in the shadows, but maybe that's where I'm comfortable." You say trying to convict him and you that you were actually important to the team. He saw right through it.
"You are too important to just be in the shadows. I can help you, I can be your mentor and friend more than Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Thor, or Steve ever was. You are the chosen one, you will never have to be chained again" the words he had just said, you will never have to be chained again, hit a sore spot. You had been taken captive by Hydra, chained up, and drained of your energy to the point of death. You had a terrible nightmare at night and anything could set it off.
"Fine, but only to protect them," you say finally agreeing to his Plan.
"That's all I needed to hear..." You looked at him strangely before noticing that dark look in his eyes. You tried to scream, but he cut you off. "Caure en un sense fi infinit. Dorm fins que et despert" He whispers into your ear making you collapse.

Avengers tower, three hours later

Steve was just walking around looking for you. He had planned to take you out for coffee, just a treat since you had practically saved his life in your mission. He wanted to apologize to you on behalf of the team. They weren't the most attentive people on the face of Earth, so they hadn't noticed your change in attitude. Well most hadn't. It was Spiderman that had informed them about your change in attitude. You smiled less, talked less, and weren't open. To be honest, though, the only reason Spidey noticed was that he had a crush on you.
Steve was looking around the tower when The friendly neighborhood Spiderman crashed through the window. He ran up the stairs to your room. Steve intrigued followed.
"Slow down Parker" He called out to Peter.
"I can't, not now." He shouted back.
Steve in no time was running next to Peter when they finally reached your door. He placed a hand on the kid's shoulder and turned him around. His mask had been lifted and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he had just cried.
"What happened to Y/n?" He asked. Peter didn't have many friends or family, so there wasn't much that pushed him to this point.
"She's....she's in danger. I have no idea what's going on, but I know somethings wrong" He says turning back to the door.
Peter slowly opened the door and turned on the nearby light. It flooded the room revealing a chilling secret. Everything was perfectly straight. It looked like a normal room everything perfect. He walked to the bedroom and wailed in pain. When he came back out, he held a single paper.   He gave it to Steve which quickly read it.
Dear Avengers and Spiderman,
Your pretty girl needed some reformation. It was her decision, she made this choice. Maybe it was your fault for treating her like a worn out pair of clothes. She was never your equal only below you. Your gal with being returned to you, alive though for how long depends on you. If you let everything play out she will be fine and live to an old age. If you try to help her escape, she will show up with fourteen gunshots to the stomach.  She was helpless and lost. We have only taken the chance to guide her to the path of life.
It is your choice...choose wisely.
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