That's my line

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A/n: For whatever reason after ranting, I feel a lot better. Even though I might be going through some thing, I don't want it to effect my writings. This a request from the one and only: VanillaHorizon. I really hope you enjoy this. 

You were running in Washington Square Park at five thirty in the morning. Why this early? Well, you had the power to turn invisible whenever you wanted. You loved to run past the small amount of people and mess with them. You were the ultimate prankster, even Loki came to you for advice. Again, it probably helped that you could turn invisible, but lets not dwell on that.

You were in the park, occasionally whispering in people's ears, when you noticed the famous Sam Wilson being lapped by Steve Rogers. You could hardly contain your laughter when he would say "On your left" every time he went past Sam.

You decided to mess with Steve's head, and you had the master plan. You crept over to where they were running, getting into position. You heard the steady footsteps of Captain America who was about to pass Sam. 

When he ran past where you were standing, you yelled, "On your left" and ran past him still invisible. When you turned back, you saw that he has stopped. He turned his head in both directions, confused. 

After a while, he started to run. You got ahead of him, letting him pass for about three seconds before running after him.

"On your left," You whispered into his ear, and ducked out of the way when he turned to punch whoever was behind him.

"That's my line," He growled, slowing down.

He stopped again, frustrated. He knew you were somewhere, but he didn't know exactly where. When he started again, you ran past him screaming, "ON YOUR LEFT!". You failed to notice that he had stuck his leg out, tripping you. 

You shrieked as you summersaulted onto the ground. You looked at your hands, which were now visible, to see if you had any scratches on them. You had a slight cut on one of your palms, but it wasn't drawing any blood. 

You slowly looked up to see Captain America glaring at you slightly. You stood up, examining the ground which seemed ten times more interesting than the speech you were about to get.

"Hey Cap, What's going on?" Sam asked running over. 

"Ask her," He grumbled nodding to you. You smiled sheepishly at him, as you face grew slightly red from embarrassment.

"Look, it was just a harmless joke. Well, sorta harmless. I was just running past Rogers and yelling 'on your left' every time you past," You admitted.

Instead of growing angry, Sam started to laugh. He walked over to you, slugging an arm over your shoulders.

"This guy has been doing it for the last year. It's even worse when his best friend gets involved. Admit it, Steve, she totally played you," Sam smiled at you.

"Okay, fine. I kinda deserve it," Steve rolled his eyes playfully, "But you gotta do me a favor to make up for this."

"What? Other that beating my legs up?" You asked, smirking.

Steve rolled his eyes before slugging his arm over Sam's, encasing you in a giant Superhero hug. You walked back to their home, as Steve explained his master plan.

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"ON YOUR LEFT!" You scream as you walked past Tony, who was watching TV on his sofa. He shrieked the highest pitch you could ever imagine, and started to shoot everywhere with his Iron Man suit.

"ON YOUR LEFT!" You screamed again, before running out of the room, as Steve and Sam laughed hysterically from their viewing point on the stairs. You jogged over to them, laughing.

"You have the best powers," Sam says, laughing.

"Sam, guess what?" You asked him, smirking.

"What?" He asked cluelessly.

"On your left" You whispered before running off before Sam could even process what you said. Once he did, he started to chase after you, dunking as stray plasma beams shoot across the stairs. 

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