Queen of All Things Part 1

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A/n: Royalty AU!

"Y/n, You are not going to be able to walk away from all of your problems. You are a princess, not some peasant who doesn't have any responsibilities," Her father yells at her. She picks the pace slightly making sure no one could keep it. Her light blue dress, fluttered in the wind after her. She marched to her room, frustrated at what her father had told her. Now that there was nothing more she could do, she decided that she wanted to at least remember her home.

It wasn't fair that her younger brother got the throne, She thought, turning the corner that lead to her room, It wasn't fair that you were the one getting shipped away to an unknown land and had to marry a strange prince.

"Ah Ms. Barrington, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be packing your bags? You do leave for the kingdom in about three hours," Your handmaiden, Augusta, questions. You flop down onto your bed, looking about the room. You wanted to memorize this place before you had to leave. The soft pale sheets. The blue curtains that waved in the afternoon wind. Augusta's deep brown eyes. God only knows when you would be able to come back.

"Aren't you coming with me?" You ask, turning to where she was folding the last of your mother's towels. She sighed. Turning to her, y/n could see the bittersweet look she was giving her.

"I'm afraid not. My life, my home, my family...they're all here. As much as I wish I could accompany you, this is something you must do by yourself," She takes a step towards the twenty year old. She could remember when the young woman was just a babe, crying for her mother. Now, that same baby had grown up into a caring, independent, strong-willed woman.

"Surely you'll visit," y/n remarked. She loved Augusta like a mother. She was the first one she went to when she had a problem and the last person she wanted to leave behind.

Augusta nodded her head, "Of course my dear. Now why don't you see if the chefs have any of their home-made chocolate left over from last night. I'm sure they would mind you taking a bit for the road,"

Y/n nodded her head and walked out of the room, leaving Augusta to finish folding the laundry.

"Don't you love the architecture? It's so modern and yet so nostalgic," Her mother murmured, looking around the city. Y/n, who was trying not to act impressed, rolled her eyes annoyed.

It was pretty. Y/n could give the king that much, but he was probably some sixty year old man who wanted to use her family's financial situation as a bargaining chip. She stepped out of the car, walking up to the palace steps. It was certainly grandiose, like most palaces, but something felt different. It felt less cold than other palaces she had been to. It actually felt like people lived there.

It didn't distract her from the crowd that surrounded her on both sides. Photographers flashed their camera's in her face, while reporters shouted out questions. People looked at her every step as she approached the giant doors that would lead to her new life. Taking a step forward, she walked into the building.

A staircase lead from the entry way up to a second floor where the bedrooms where. A guard stepped towards her and her mother. He was tall with a buff built. His cranberry red and gold uniform clung to his body. The buttons of the suit had been embroidered with the ideograms of peace and love. A long sword was attached to his hip, making her question what technology the kingdom had if they were still using with swords. Part of his face was shielded by his hair, but the part that wasn't was what stuck out the most. Lightning blue eyes peered at her while a boyish smile gleamed, lighting up the room.

"You must be Mrs. Barrington," He announced stepping towards your mother. He took her hand and kissed it lightly. Her mother laughed lightly as a faint blush faded into her pale cheeks. He turned to the princess.

"I have to say, Mrs. Barrington, I was expecting your daughter to be beautiful. But the stories never mention a goddess," He winked at the princess as her mother smiled.

"She definitely got it from her father," Her mother commented. The princess rolled her eyes. Her mother was fishing for comments...again. First it was with the driver, now with the guards. For all she knew, her mother was going to start flirting with the king. The worst part of it was that she wasn't even their child. Her mother, who was abandoned her at the palace doorsteps, had later been found in a ditch. Her father had been dead for some years, so the family had decided to raise her.

"I don't know, I think it was a communal effort," He remarked. He was about to say something when another guard spoke up.

It was a man, about thirty, with a built less muscular than the first, but still fit. He was a bit smaller than the first, but made the difference up with his relaxed posture. Where the first was still a bit tense, the second seemed to be perfectly at ease with the strangers.

"Is Barnes flirting with the princess?" He elbowed the first man slightly. The first let out a deep chuckle that seemed to echo around the room.

"You got rid of my mysterious nature, Samuel, now they know my last name," Barnes complained, still laughing slightly. The second rolled his eyes.

"You never said it was your last name," The princess chirped. The two man looked at the woman before laughing who heartedly.

"I like her," the second one said, "Samuel Wilson at your service ma'am, but my friends call my Sam. This is James Barnes, but we just call him Bucky for short,"

The two men bowed dramatically, going so far as to take off their hats. The princess could help but laugh slightly. She knew that even if her husband turned out to be a grandpa, she could find relief in these two men.

"Well," her mother interrupted, " We should probably see the king and his son. Don't want to keep them waiting,"

The two men nodded leading them to a doorway.

"Just through there," Barnes said, "We will be right out here if you need us,"

The women walked through the doorway, expecting to find the king and his son awaiting them. Instead they walked into an argument. Two men, one mush younger than the other, were arguing about some policy that the kingdom. Further listening lead the princess to believe that they were arguing about her. It sounded almost identical to the argument that she had with her father a couple of hours prior.

They were going to leave them two men to themselves when the king saw who it was. His son who had been yelling at the older man turned towards the princess. He tried to give her a smile, but she could see that she wasn't exactly the best thing that happened today. He walked past her, leaving the room. The older man adjusted his suit as the two women looked on.

"You'll have to excuse my son, he isn't exactly comfortable with the arrangement we made."

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