I guess this is the end Parts 3, 4, 5

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A/n: I don't really enjoy making the Break-up stories, but at the same time I like the reasoning behind each fight so...I just need to conserve space so I'm combining the parts. They will still be separated by each name.


Bruce was in the lab, once again, and there was nothing you could do about it. You begged, and pleaded, and did everything in your power to get him to go to bed a normal time. It drove you crazy that the Scientist never slept. You groan from you warm position on the bed and got up. You pulled on some longer shorts than what you had on because you lived with Tony Stark.

You walked blindly down the stairs, and into his lab. His lights flicked on and off, and you knew that he freaked out. You slowly approached his desk, the tiredness disappearing every step. It was replaced with the fear of the Hulk accidentally hurting you. You knew that he would never intentionally hurt you, but it was the Hulk so intentional wasn't really his forte.

"Bruce, Hey. It's time for bed." You call out. You hear a roar and slowly turn around, staring face to face with the Hulk. You tried not to run, but every instinct in your body was telling you to do otherwise. He looked at you, tilting his head confused.

"You're not going to hurt me?" You say taking a deep breath. You walk towards him and he flickers. Let me repeat that he flickers. It was a quick twitch, but it freaked you out the same. You heard laughter and you turned. There stood Tony and Bruce, faces red with laughter. It took you a second, but you finally realized that the 'Hulk' was just a hologram that they had invented to scare people.

"What the heck?" You screamed furiously.

"Y/n, It was just a joke." Bruce begins, "We needed to test the hologram out, and since you always come here around this time we used you as our test subject."

"Stark. Out. NOW." You seethed through gritted teeth. The laughter stopped immediately as Tony realized you weren't joking. He scurried out of the room, leaving Bruce to your fury.

"Look Pumpkin..."

" Don't call me that. You dragged me from our bed at 11 at night, just so you and Tony can pull a prank on me."

"Y/n, It's just a joke. Calm down"

"We are through, Dr. Banner. I'm leaving the tower in the morning. Until then, You are not allowed in my room. It's inappropriate" You said before walking off to get some sleep without your boyfriend


You never got the look that Natasha got from him. You knew exactly what that look was...Love. You knew that you would never get that look, and as soon as you saw it you knew that you didn't stand a chance. You tried to be the same, but it got to you. It was the look that you'll never be the one for him. Slowly you could see that his actions reflected the way he looked at you. He spent more and more time with her, joked with her, and canceled your plans because he was hanging out with her.

One day, when you were scrolling through Instagram when you saw your worst nightmare. There was a picture of Nat kissing him on the cheek and below it were the words 'My best girl'. The longer you stared at the photo, the more your heart shattered. You turned off the phone and placed it on the nightstand. You grabbed a backpack and filled it with as many clothes as you needed. 

When you decided that you packed enough clothes, you set your phone on the bed with a note attached to it...


I hope you know that you are in love with her. You give her this look that makes my heart shatter into pieces that will never be fixed. I hope that you both have amazing lives. Please don't look for me, it will make it worse.


The girl who you said you loved.


Bucky and you never really had a major fight. Sure, there were times where he told you to go because he was too dangerous, but you stayed. Compared to other relationships *cough* Tony's and Steve's *cough*, yours was the calmest and least eventful.

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