Dating Steve Short and A/n

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A/n: So I partially just did this becauseI wanted to show you guys the pictures I took. I also felt that I should include short 'thingy' so its not totally boring. So a quick rant before starting... The girls at ACE are such poor representations of what this fandom is. If you haven't seen the video, it's just disgusting. Like honestly who in the right mind is rude to these wonderful people. They didn't have to take your question. They didn't have to be nice. You wouldn't be here if they didn't put all their effort in creating these awesome movies. You girls are so lucky that I don't know you personally because if I did I would give you a very sharply worded letter about how disrespectful you are. I know about a thousand people who would give you each a piece of their mind.

ANYWAYS...New York, sorry about the sideways pictures.

New York, sorry about the sideways pictures

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The Set

Me at Hamilton without the ugly part aka my face

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Me at Hamilton without the ugly part aka my face

So we went to go see these pictures at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) *cough* the place where Peter was supposed to go before you know

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So we went to go see these pictures at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) *cough* the place where Peter was supposed to go before you know... *cough*


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Yeah so that was my trip to New York....On to the short.

Dating Steve would include...

>Best Friends with Bucky

>Taking his sheild and suit so that you could pretend to be him

>stealing a bottle of his colonge so that your pillow smells like him when he's away

>sneaking rides on his motorcycle when you think he's not looking

>Him scolding you after he sees that you used the bike

>Being friends with Natasha and Sam

>Running with the boys in the morning

>Lapping Sam and yelling 'on your right' as Steve yells 'on your left'

>Siding with Steve in the fallout that he and Tony had

>Going to Jail with Clint, Scott, and Sam

>Living in Wakanda after Steve saves you

>Stealing Steve's Sketch book to look at his drawings

>Discovering that he mainly drew you

>Finding the list he made

>Grabbing him and Bucky to complete the list

>Fighting against Thanos alongside Steve

>Distracting Thanos as Steve yanks off the gauntlet

>Reversing time so that people who were thought to be dead *cough* Loki *cough*

>Living together in peace after retiring from the Avengers

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