Hiking Failure (all avengers)

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My ideal vacation was never supposed to be like this. I just wanted to home and hug my parents. You may be wondering, who are you, random narrator. Well, I'm y/n, and I'm the youngest of ten children. It sucks being the baby of the family, but I would trade it for what I am right now. Lost. I was hiking in the middle of Mount Washington in New Hampshire when I took a wrong left turn and lost my way. My phone died three days, so I couldn't call anyone for help.
It sucked being on an ancient 6,000-foot boulder, but hey the view here is wonderful. I almost want to take a picture with my phone, oh wait it's dead. Last night I thought I had heard voices calling my name, but they disappeared after a minute so it was probably just my imagination. I had set up a minicamp, just so it was sorta comfortable, kinda like sleeping on the ground.
I wanted to be home more than anything, but I didn't want to get lost and start hiking the 2200 mile Appalachian Trail. OK so you're probably like, 'miss y/n, why don't you just make smoke signals or just find the trail and find help'. Well my friend, did I mention I was lost? Also, I was already in a bit of trouble with some friends that blew me off. Let's just say I might have given the leader a few broken ribs. It wouldn't be that smart for me to send out smoke signals.
So here I was just sitting in my makeshift hammock when I heard voices. These weren't the normal figment of your imagination voices, nope these were actual voices. They seemed to be heading toward me, so I did what every normal person who has people trying to kill her would have done. I grabbed my water supply and doused out the fire. I ran away to some conveniently located bushes, which were weirdly located in the perfect spying spot. It was like I was in a book, huh weird right?
I was just sitting here waiting for the voices to come into view. When they did, it looked like people had forgotten when Halloween was. All of them were dressed in superhero capes and what not. It looked kinda like Marvel comics had thrown up vibrant colors, gods it was awful.
"So we are hiking this mountain, why exactly Tony?" A man with a bow and quiver said
"Because Clint, Peter here had a friend who hiked this mountain and got lost. Rangers have been searching for days with no success, so they called out the big guns" a man responded. Peter...Peter Pan, no...Peter Quill, nope...Peter Parker yep that was it. I was going to stand up and shout 'I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE', but something held me back. That thing was...Oh, a deer. Sorry, what was I talking about, oh wait you can't talk. OK so I stood up and yelled "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE"
Suddenly there were three guns, a hammer, a shield, some laser thingy, a bow and arrow, and a web-slinger all pointed at my face. "Oh Geez Peter, what happened? Did a rainbow throw up on you and your friends?" He laughs and ran over to me.
"Did you quote The Hunger Games?" The guys with the arrows asks.
"Yup," I say and come to where they were all standing.
"So your the girl that got lost on a mountain," the laser guy said.
"The girl who got lost on a mountain has a name, and yeah" I respond.
"Umm, how did you get lost? " The woman holding two guns asked.
"So you know James?" I ask Peter.
"Uh, James from Brooklyn?" He thinks aloud.
"Yeah, so him and Steve"
"Wait, James and Steve from Brooklyn?" The man with the shield and the man with a gun ask.
"Yeah. Before you ask it's not James as James Barnes or Steve Rogers, they just use it as cover names because why not. So James rings me up and  says 'Atalanta, Tony said that you have five hours to get the money to Andromeda or else Phaethon goes on the Sun chariot' and I go 'well we can't let him fail drivers ed' and he goes 'I know'" I look around and see most of the heroes super confused.
"Atalanta is the greatest Greek hero, that's y/n 's code name. Phaethon was a son of Helios who crashed the sun chariot. Basically what she means is that Tony has a hostage and y/n here has five hours to get the money or they die. Anyways..." Peter explains
"Anyways, I wasn't gonna give him any money, so I went to the usual meeting place and broke a couple noses and ribs, the usual. Tony got angry and sent goons after me. I needed to go off the grid, but when I didn't come back... let's just say, people, panicked and created the story of how I got lost. I ended up getting lost at some point so the stories weren't completely wrong."
"And that's why you're here." Peter finishes.
I shrug and walk to pick up my stuff.
"What are you doing? You can replace your stuff, it's probably super dirty and not that important" Tony asks. I clench my fist into a ball and turn around. Peter runs over to me, but before he can say something you start to speak
"Excuse me"
"Look, I'll just replace everything here. Let's just go home, I have a party to plan and..." I walk over to him and kick him off the ledge. They all  gasp and turn to glare at me, but I just look at my nails and say
"He can fly" not one second later, Tony flys up and points his laser things at me.
"Do that again I dare you." I uncapped my pen and throw it at his suit of armor, which sends out a pulse. I walk over to him and just kick him off the ledge again. He flies back up and shoots his laser thing at me. I dodge it and pull out my pocket knife.
"Oh my god hahaha hahaha is that a pocket knife? What are you going to do, sell girl scout cookies." Tony mocks me.
"I actually got kicked out of girl scouts" I reply cutting a  piece of reflective fabric from the tent. I grabbed my mirror and then the shield that one of the men was carrying. He went to protest, but Peter shut him down quick. When I finish I have a slingshot strapped to the shield. I throw it at Tony and it knocks him out of his laughter. He looks up and says " your gonna pay for that," He says shooting another blast at me. I reflect the energy back and him, hitting him in the leg. While he was groaning in pain, I grabbed one of the bow and arrow dudes arrow. I throw it and it smashes his hand pulverizers. I want to kick him off the ledge but it wasn't smart.
"Wait what do you need the mirror for," the hammer guy says.
"To make sure I look good beating up Tony Stark," I say patting down my hair.
I look at Peter and placed a kiss on his cheek. He blushes and I walk to my bag rolling my eyes.
"Let's go home, Peter. It's May's turn to cook dinner" I say laughing. We walk down the mountain and to a Helicarrier which flys me home.

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