Misson C.H.I.L.D. Part One Steve

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You were sitting on the couch reading Cinder. You reached one of the saddest points and you sat the book down. You pulled your knees to your chest and slowly rocked back and forth closing your eyes.

Suddenly you felt a small tap on your side and you looked up. You saw a little boy about seven years old with blond hair and bright blue eyes staring at you. You raise an eyebrow and release your knees from their hold.

"Hello, what's your name?" You ask.

"Steve, ma'am." He quickly responds.

"Oh, that's nice. How did you get in here?" You ask. He just shrugs and runs off. "Tonnnnnny, get here now."

"Y/n, whatever happened it was not my fault." He responds walking over to you.

"Huh, I didn't ask you anything. Are you guilty of something that just so happens to deal with the child running in our midst." You ask narrowing your eyes.

"Ok whatever, I might have turned Steve into a little kid. Before you ask, it only lasts for a day and he won't keep any memories from today." He raises an eyebrow, "So obviously you can tell him about your little crush"

"Tell who, miss," Steve says pulling on your t-shirt.

"Nothing, Tony was just leaving." You say, "So what do you want to do today, Steve."

"Ummm...Find Buck" He says running off.

*                                               *                                           *
After a half an hour of trying to find Bucky, you finally located him talking to Natasha in the training room. He was sitting on a metal bench talking when Steve ran up to him.

"Bucky!" Steve shouted tackling him in a hug.

"Who is this kid?" He asked from the floor. Steve apparently hadn't lost his super strength.

"Steve, Tony messed up big time" you explain. Natasha looks at you sympathetically while Bucky just rolls his eyes.

"Bucky, I'm bored," Steve complains.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"Umm, hide and seek! You're playing too" He says grabbing Natasha's and your hands. She shrugs and Steve pulls you to the Living room.

You sit down on the brown leather couch and Steve quickly goes over the rules.

"Y/n, your it. Everyone else run." Steve says.

"Ok, I'm starting to count. 1...2....3....4...5...6.......50." You say finally finished.

You look around to see Steve pretending to be a lamp. He looked so disproportionate with the lampshade being twice the size of his body, it was a wonder he could even pick it up.

"Hmm, I wonder where Stevie is?" You wonder aloud causing some laughter to come from under the lampshade. "He's not by the couch, he's not under the table. Maybe he's under this lamp shade?" You ask pulling it up. Steve Burts out into giggles and you join in the laughter.

"Let's go find Bucky," Steve says before pulling you into a different room.

*                                          *                           *

It was six p.m. aka time for dinner. Everyone gathered around the large wooden table and talked. Steve was talking to Tony while Natasha, Wanda, and Clint were talking about previous mission. You were silently eating dinner before Bucky started a conversation with you.

"You know he likes you right?" He says spooning a handful of peas toward his mouth.

"Haha very funny," you say sarcastically.

"No serious, he does. Too shy to admit it, but he does. He won't stop talking about you."


"You do know that you could just tell him right now. He won't remember anything, so there's no harm in it."

"I guess...I never thought of it this way."

"Just do it, you'll feel better after doing it"

"I don't know, what if he remembers?"

"He won't. Just think about it, okay." He says before starting a conversation with Thor about some mythical creature.

*                                  *                                    *

"Time for bed, Steve," you said while taking him into your arms. You carried him into his room, but before you could leave he looked at you.

"Can you tell me a story?" He asked shyly.

"Sure. Once upon a time, there was a man who was brave and strong. He wasn't a prince but he sure treated people with the manners of one. There was also this sad princess. She never really got much attention of the queen and king, even she was their daughter. One day the man was walking in the kingdom when he saw the poor princess.

"He walked over to her and made her really happy and they lived happily ever after. The End" you said. You noticed that  Steve was already asleep. You remembered what Bucky told you and started talking.

"Look Steve you won't remember this in the morning, but I just wanted to tell you that I really like you. Like a lot. I know that I will never be good enough for you, but maybe I could try to be." You finished. You went to get up, but Steve's arm was latched onto your waist rendering you unable to get up. You sighed, moved Steve over a bit and fell asleep on his bed.

*                                                                                                      *

You woke up in the morning to see a super soldier lying next to you. You screamed out of shock and fell out of bed with a thump. You groaned and rubbed your back.
"You okay," Steve asked drowsily
"Yup, just forgot that you aren't a child anymore." You grumbled.
"Well, if I still was a child I could do this." He says.
"Do what?" you ask. In an instant his lips are on yours, softly kissing yours.

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