Little Ball of Fur

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A/n: Finally finished editing. The story lines stayed the same, I just needed to fix a bunch of grammatical errors. This story is requested by OuterspaceSebby. I'll get back to my routine sooner or later. Happy Pride Month!

You were walking back from your most recent mission in a small town located in Canada. Even though the family you had been staying with offered you a bathroom, you still felt as if you were caked in dirt. All you wanted was a warm shower, some sweatpants, and the Tv turned on the NBA Finals. 

You were exiting the elevator when you heard noises coming from the kitchen. It sounded as if a walrus and a canary were having a singing competition, which from experience sounded awful. You ran to where the noises were coming from to see all of the Avengers huddled around a kitten. 

It ran to where you were standing, so you picked it up. It meowed and rubbed its body against your chest. From up close, you identified it as a munchkin cat. Its brown speckled fur made its blue eyes stand out. You practically melted on the spot from just petting the tiny thing.

"How come it likes you?" Natasha complained.

"Cause he smells like the outdoors?" Tony sassed, standing up and getting a glass of water.

"Very funny, Tony. At least I wasn't trying to frighten it with your tools," You remarked glaring at him.

"I just wanted to see how high it could jump," He replies, gulping the water down.

"You were zapping it with your tools. Don't make me call PETA on you," You respond, petting the kitten behind the ears. It purred, before jumping out of your arms and getting a toy mouse.

"Did you name it yet?" You ask, walking to the fridge to get an apple.

"We couldn't decide between Piper or Hazel," Clint says, "What do you think?"

You pause for a moment to decide what its name should be.

"I like the name, Hazel. It reminds me of a book character," You say, taking a bite of your red delicious. When you finished it, you chucked it in the trash before walking to your room to take a shower.

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Once you had finished your shower, you sat down on the living room couch and turned on the game to the NBA Finals. The team quickly made it's way to the couch as they heard what was happening. The ball had gone to Stephen Curry on the Warriors who had shot it for three points. 

"Who do you want to win?" You asked Tony who was sitting next to you. He looks at the screen before turning towards you.

"The Cavs. They are obviously better," he responds.

"What about you, Cap?" You ask Steve who was sitting next to Natasha.

"The Warriors. They are ten times better than the Cavs." He retorts.

"Green is such a dirty player though," Tony argues.

"Well, you should probably tell J.R. Smith to actually watch the time," Steve replies.

"Chill out guys, we don't need another Civil War," You say. You watched as the kitten slowly walked along the back of the couch before jumping onto Thor's lap. Surprised at the sudden motion, he stood up and accidentally flung the poor cat off his legs. Thankfully the cat landed perfectly before settling near you. 

You could feel the sadness and guilt radiating off Thor's chest, so you picked up the little furball and carried it to him. You set Hazel down on his legs, where she laid down gently.

"Okay so now you just pet her gently," You said stressing the last part. He carefully picked up his hand and brushed the kitten behind its ears, making it purr softly. He looked at you with a huge smile on his lips.

"I think I got it from here, Brother y/n. Thank you," He replied as he turned back to the kitten. You slowly walked back to your chair, almost letting out a sigh at how cute the two were being. When you turned back to the game, you could feel the happiness surging through the room.

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