The right girl

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"Are you sure this is the right girl?" Bucky asked turning to Steve as they watched as a girl wrote on a piece of paper. It was about 8:00 in the evening, but the sky outside was pitch black. The girl seemed to be listening to some music, but they couldn't hear it.

"That's what the file said before we left" Steve replied unsurely. He looked at the brown haired girl as saw a teenager, not some genius kid Tony bragged about. She looks at a nearby computer and writes more, the blue ink slowly filling up the paper with neat cursive. She rubs her head and looks at her paper. 

"I just don't think she is the one we are looking for." Bucky sighs, "Let's just ask her and get out of here". They walk out from their hiding place by a large window and knock on a large oak door. They here a bit of yelling before a girl about thirteen opens the door. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asks looking at Steve and Bucky. She looks fairly happy, but that could just be a mask.

"We need to talk to you" Bucky cuts in before Steve could say anything

"Let me get my mom, give me a second." She says before turning around, "Mama, there's some people at the door asking to talk to me". She turns back to the boys smiling. A second later, a woman about forty comes out from the doorway. She has predominant Cuban features, some of which passed down to her daughter.

"Hi, My names is Marlene l/n, y/n's mother. How can I help you two?" She asks.

"Hi Marlene, My name is Steve and this is James. We work for the CIA and need to talk to your daughter outside showing them their fake id's 

"Okay, y/n I'll be right here." She says kissing her daughter on the cheek. Y/n looks at the two men and walks outside.

"Nice fake ID's. Who are you really?" She says once her mother closes the door.

"How do you know?" Steve questions. 

"Seen enough movies. I'm thinking your Rogers and Barnes from S.H.E.I.L.D."

Bucky looks at her suspiciously, to which she shrugs.

"You have gloves covering your hands, I mean seriously It's South Florida. You, however, are different. Regal posture, Firm glances, nothing major but just enough to know that you aren't from this era. So what do you want? I need to go back to homework, but you probably were watching from this hiding spot" She points to an area. Sure enough, it was exactly where they were hiding.  

"What are you?" Steve asked mouth wide open.

"A ghost that lurks in your shadows waiting to stab you." She says waving her hands dramatically, trying not to laugh, "Just Kidding, the last time I checked I'm human. I just have a really good security system." She points to a camera hidden in a nearby bush. She pulls out her phone, showing them an app.

"Heat sensors, face recognition, metal detectors. I basically control who can come in and out om a daily basis. Plus I might have hacked into Tony's files, but to be fair I did it for revenge." She laughs.

"Revenge for..."Bucky motions for her to continue.

"Uncle Tony might have destroyed my alarm system, causing the FBI to come to my house." she tells them sheepishly, "I mean it wasn't his fault entirely. Wait I take that back, it totally was his fault"

They stare at her shocked. I mean she looked like a Stark, definitely has the brains to be one. They exchange glances and were about to speak when her phone went off, playing Back in Black.

"Hey, Auntie," she says putting a finger up to tell the boys to be quiet, "Yeah, I know Tony sent the boys...Yes, I freaked them out, but it's not my fault that Tony likes to play the stupid prank like fifty times...Look, if he wants me back in New York, he needs to call the school...Yes, I know that...Look I'll talk to you later...Bye, Aunt Tasha...Yeah yeah...Send Clint my love...ok seriously...Bye Tash" She hangs up the phone, turning to Steve.

"Need a ride," He asks

"Yeah, Tony needs me at the lab asap"

"ok let's go"

*                                                                              *                                                                            *

After a six-hour plane flight from Fort Lauderdale to Newark New Jersey, y/n had finally reached the base in a secret location. As soon as she opened the door, Natasha tackled her into a hug. She groaned but hugged back.

"Hey Tasha, where's Clint?" she asked surprised that the archer hadn't met up with her yet.

"Mission debriefing, he'll be out in an hour. In the meantime, we have a lot to catch up on." she squeals, shocking Steve and Bucky. She was usually so formal and emotionless, but when y/n arrived she acted like a girl.

"Where's Wanda?" She asks

"Right behind you," Wanda burst out. Y/n jumps and yells a bit, before turning around to hug the Maximoff.

"Let's go before any other boys see her," Tasha suggests.

"Yeah" both of them nod before disappearing out of site.

"She really is something," Bucky says pointing out Natasha and Wanda's behavior.

Steve nods as they head to go find Tony.

*                                                                   *                                                                 *

"So y/n hows school?" Nat asked lying on a pillow. She turns toward the ceiling sighing.

"It's hard being one of the smartest ones there. People constantly take advantage of you, they lie about you. Basically, like being in a fight against HYDRA every day and not being able to get out of it" y/n responds.

"You must like someone" Wanda tells her .

"No, after Wiley I couldn't really trust any boys"

"Oh," Wanda says.

"What about you two?" Y/n says happily changing the topic, "I mean, you guys might have some in team relationship."

"umm I guess, Bucky's nice," Natasha says sighing dramatically. 

Y/n squeals, hitting Nat with a pillow, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Vision's nice," Wanda tells her.

"You two with your secrets. Now I should tell you mine..." y/n jumps onto the bed, "I might have a secret relationship with Parker."

"Underoos...Oh my god I ship it" A voice says from the vents. y/n looks up to see Tony waving down at her. 

"I mean, I'm gonna go yell at him, but I ship it?" He says before flying off. 

She quickly looks at Natasha and Wanda before running toward the door. 

"Gotta go save, spidey, See you guys later." She says before running out to hopefully save her boyfriend.

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