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A/n: This was a request for -samthegalacticgay-. Just a warning before...It starts off extremely sad, as the reader has depression. It gets happy afterwords, but if this upsets you in anyway then I would skip. Also, if you are LQBTQ or just tryingto figure yourself out, I support you fully. If you need some support or just a friendly message, feel free to message me.

You had always been a close friend to Bruce Banner. You were there when he destoryed Harlem. You were there for him after Ultron. In all you were his closest friends, even closer than Tony. You never deserted him, or gave upon him. Although he never admitted it, you were the only person he could truly be himself with. There was no "shy" Bruce Banner around you. He was always spunky and nerdy, but it was in the best of ways.

You were standing in you bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror. There was a slight drop of blood from where you bandages were covering the harm you did against yourself. Your basketball shorts hung loosely against your hips. You touched that area in disgust.  From a distance you looked just like female who's flat chested, but once you got closer you could see that you were obviously male.

"It's too round, I hate it. I. Hate. It." you whisper, taking one of your razor blades and skimming it against the skin. The area was slightly red from all the poking and prodding,but you didn't care. You were about to cut yourself when there was a loud knock at the door.

"Y/n, I have today's medicine" a friendly voice said from outside the door. You rushed to pull down your sweatshirt and brush away any stray tears. You opened up to see Bruce leaning against the door with the small orange pill bottle that helped you achieve more testosterone into your blood flow. Basically, it lowered your voice and did other things.

"Are you okay? Your eyes are red" He says studying your face. You pulled down the sleeve to the sweatshirt, making sure he couldn't see your arms.

"Yeah, yeah" you said, not looking him in the eyes, "Just allergies. Hay Fever, it's life's biggest struggle. So what do ou want now?"

"I have the hormone pill. Two a day, remember?" he says unscrewing the cap, "Oh and don't forget I have to check your blood pressure. just doing to make sure everything is working fine"

"Umm Blood pressure? That's the thingy where you have to lift up my sleeves?" You say nervously.

"Right, I'll only take a moment. Here" he hands you two pills that you swallow quickly.

"I don't know Bruce. Do you really need to make sure thet my blood pressure is fine? I feel fine, so I dont think that...." You trail off when you realize that Bruce was looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Sit, y/n" he commands pointing at your bed. You walk over there and he pulls up a chair. He grabs you wrist, and he feels  you wince. He slowly pulls up your sleeve to see the bloody bandages onyour wrists.

"Look I can explain..." You sigh as he undos the bandage.

"You better" he mumbles under his breath.

"I was, no am, in a really low point right now. I feel like I can't be myself. I just don't know who I am anymore" By this time you are sobbing. He hesitantly wraps his arms around you and cradles you. He whispers words of encouragement into your ears until all you tears are gone.

"You, y/n, are the best person that I know. It doesn't matter waht gender you identify with. i will support you either way." He says drying the tears from where they fell on your cheeks.

"I just want to be myself" you say hiccuping in between words.

"I know, I know. If it makes you feel better, you will always be more manly than I am" he says smiling.

"I don't know if I can compete with the hulk." you sigh.

"Actually he's the least manly than any of us. He loves to play with tiaras and barbie pink dresses (nothing against that of course)." He whispers as if the hulk was in the room.

Laughing you put your head on his shoulder and let him check the rest of your body. After he finishes, he walks into the bathroom. You watch as he grabs anything that you might use to hurt yourself and walks out.

"Just incase you get low" he says throwing them into the trash, "If you ever need to talk, I'm always there"

"I thought you told Tony you weren't that type of doctor?" you ask him, one eybrow raised.

"What I tell Tony and what's actually real are two different things." He says sittng next to you.

"Can we just relax today" You ask.

"We can just relax today" he answers.

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