Stalker 102 (Tip: Don't Mess with a Supersoldier)

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A/n: THREE STORIES IN ONE DAY! I think that's a new record. Anyways, I wanted to end this story out on a good note because the start of this story...well it's not pretty. Have fun reading.

Warnings: Gore (blood and stuff), torture, and just some not nice things. 

You sat alone in the room, your head swaying. Time seemed to slow down as you took in your surrounding. Next to your right shoulder was a screwdriver, a scalpel, and a small knife. On your left side was an IV bag holding some sort of clear liquid. You could hear the loud footsteps of your kidnapper drawing closer and closer until the door creaked open.

"Hello Dearest," A gruff man's voice said. He drew closer still.

"Please, please don't hurt me" you beg, looking at the ground.

"Look at me" HE commands. You slowly move your eyes up to see him smiling at you. It feels as if someone had drawn all the heat from your system and replaced it with ice from Antartica. His soul-crushing blue eyes looked as calm as a summer's sky. His sturdy shin was littered with scars and scabs. He had a black winding tattoo that came from his neck and winded down into his shoulder. 

"I wouldn't have to do this if your friends didn't go searching for you, but alas they did." He says taking the scalpel into his hands and twirling it around. You whimper as he took your arm. He ran his clammy fingers up your arm and onto your shoulder. He then traced his way down your shoulder and arm, leaving behind a thin trail of blood. Some of the droplets ran down your hand and onto the pure white chair you were chained up too.

He then, pulling up the back part of your shirt, traced lines into your back. Your eyes grew more and more tired until finally, you succumbed to the pain blacking out.

Meanwhile at Avenger's tower, Tony had made no process in tracking who this 'Christian Earle' was. Other than his criminal record, he had no other signs of actually existing. He had no birth record, no hospital records, no school record, no address. He was a ghost like Bucky once had been. Tony quietly searched through record after record trying to locate where he might have brought you and Wanda.

Bucky, on the other hand, was talking so that Steve had to tell him to shut up more than once. He kept on blaming himself saying 'I should have stayed with her' or 'it's my fault'. He paced back and forth trying to come up with ways that they could figure out where you had gone. He was replaying a memory of one of your birthdays when it finally hit him. He had given you a small tracker on the back of his dog tags.

"Tony, I got it. I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. The dog tags  I gave her, you installed a tracker on it right?" He asks.

"Yeah, and now I can track her. Geez, I'm a genius" Tony brags.

"Focus, Tony," Buck said. He was about to talk to Steve when the doorbell rang. A few seconds later, Natasha walked in carrying a small envelope.

"Guys, this looks pretty similar to the note that we got last morning. I didn't want to open it alone. I'm afraid that I'll see something that can't be erased from my memory" She says murmuring the last part. Steve looks at her sympathetically.

"No blames you, You've already been through a lot within the last 24 hours," Steve says drawing her into a hug. She hands the envelope to Bucky who rips it open. In it was a letter and two pictures, one of them of you and the other of Wanda. It was only showing your back, but from the looks of it, the two of you were going to have scars afterward.

I thought I told you to stop looking. Because of you, they have been punished. Stop looking or else these marks will be all over their body including the places it would hurt the most

Bucky's hands turned into fists and he walked the paper to Tony, careful not to let Natasha see the pictures. 

"Please tell me you found them?" He asks through gritted teeth. He slid Tony the pictures, who looked at them before sighing.

"No, I'm sorry but" DING! A little bell went off on the screen showing an abandoned warehouse.

"Get suited up," He told Tony. He turned back to Steve who was cradling a sobbing Natasha in his arms.

"Stevie," he said sighing, "Stay here and watch Tasha until Vision gets back from getting Clint. Once he does, get both get the point" Steve nods before whispering some inspiring words in her ears.

*                                                                    *                                                              *

You didn't know how much longer you would last. Every hour the man would come in, draw on your skin with metal, and leave you on the verge of conscience. Somehow you knew that if you went to sleep, you would never wake up. You had spoken to Wanda a few times, but you noticed how her voice kept getting softer and softer. You begged her to stay awake, reminding her that help was on the way. You knew that she didn't believe you, and frankly neither did you. Were they actually coming?

You felt the minutes slowly pass as if they were hours. You thought you heard someone yelling, but that was probably your mind trying to make everything better. You rolled your head to the side and began to talk to Wanda again.

"Wanda, please stay awake." You begged.

"I am." She responded, "Do you think they're really coming?"

"Yeah, I bet Vision all worried about you and can't wait to hold you in his arms" You respond.

"You really think so," She said her voice now almost inaudible.

"Wanda, please. Eye's open, keep breathing. How about... Describe your perfect date with Vision" You yell at her, trying to force her to stay awake.

"It would be on the beach and a campfire. At night. We would watch the waves slowly go in and out in the darkness. What...what about you?" She said, her voice slowing down.

"At night like you. Just me, Bucky, some blankets, and the stars...I forgot what that's called" You say, hearing loud footsteps drawing closer.

"Star-gazing" Wanda replies her voice slightly louder than before. 

"Yeah that...Wanda, I don't know how much longer I can last. I'm tired, and I can't feel anything anymore" You murmur as the footsteps stop at your door. You take a breath and prepare for your final punishment, except it doesn't come. You feel like the restraints are taken off and you are picked up.

"Stay with me, doll," A familiar voice says, "This isn't the end of the line for us"

*                                                                   *                                                                 *

You woke up two days later to the sound of a familiar beep. You groaned as the bright lights shone down on your eyes. You slowly looked to your left to see that Bucky was asleep on the chair, holding your hand firmly.

"Hey, hey bucky." You said rubbing your thumb against his knuckles. He quickly opened his eyes to see you giving him a week smile.

"Doll, you scared me so much," Bucky said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah?" You asked weakly.

"Yeah, the doctors thought with the amount of blood you lost that you should have died. You must have thought of something pretty special to keep yourself alive." He murmurs.

"I thought of you." You say blushing lightly.

"What?" He asked shyly not knowing if he heard correctly.

"I thought of you" You repeated, "You were the only thing that got me through it" 

"When you get out of here, we're gonna do somehting special" he said winking at you. You smiled and laughed for the first time in three days and it was all because of Bucky, your strength and happiness.

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