Highschool AU

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A/n: This is another request from an awesome reader: Cjtheaphmaushipper. Thanks once again for the amazing prompt. In the story, I adapted the law of defamation of character. In real life, you can't go to jail for it, but it doesn't fit the story. Warnings: Mentions of Death/Suicide. Enjoy!

You weren't the most popular person in high school. Most people saw you as the crazy girl who put frogs in the kitchen before lunch or the kid who spray painted the principle's car neon pink. People would try to approach you, but you would shut them down quickly. Simply put, you were like Leo Valdez who acted like Nico Di'Angelo.  

You weren't actually a loner. You had a friend. His name was Loki Laufeyson. Loki wasn't that popular, but his brother was. His adoptive brother, Thor Odinson, was about the dumbest jock on the Avengers. It was as if he had come from a different realm or something. The Avengers, the football team, had some nasty people on it. 

Tony Stark, the playboy, was arrogant and cocky. He seemed to like the antics you pulled, but that didn't stop him from making fun of you every step of the way. Clint Barton, the quarterback, was pretty lax. He didn't really get involved with anyone except if they insulted Natasha, his best friend. Steve Rogers was pretty nice to you. He would always help you after Tony beat you up. Still, you didn't like the group he hung out with, so he was guilty by association.

"Oh look at little Miss Goth. Ran out of colors?" Sharon Carter, captain of the cheerleading team, taunts you as you walk to your locker.

"Well if it isn't the barbie," You retort, grabbing the days books, "Did you run out of shades of pink yet?"

You turn to see Sharon standing about five feet away from you in her bright pink blazer and skirt, blowing bubbles with her bright pink gum. She takes the gum out of her mouth before walking up to you and slamming it into your hair.  She takes a step back, examining what else she could do.

Her eyes light up when she spots the gold locket that your mother gave you before she left. She drags a nail harshly down your neck before ripping the necklace off. She takes a quick glance at the picture before tearing it in half, leaving the pieces to flutter to the floor. You feel tears welling in your eyes as you scramble to pick up the pieces. Sharon laughs while she walks away with her friends trailing behind her.

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"y/n?" Loki's voice calls out in the library. You try to muffle your sobs by covering your mouth but it doen't help. You hear footsteps before you hear his voice again.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asks, trying to get you to look up. 

"Go away," You command, your voice cracking. 

"And leave you like this, no way" He responds, rubbing your shoulder softly, "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm tired," You say, picking up your head to look up at him.

"Tired?" He asks confused.

"Tired of everything. Life. I just want to let go," You say, as he incases you in a hug.

"You can't die. I need you, y/n" He says softly. You could tell that he was about to cry also so you hug him tightly.

"It's not going to change. Look at my calendar, it's been there forever," You say letting go of him to grab your phone. He grabs it and looks down at it. When he looks back at you, you could see the slight frown. 

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