A cute little ship

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A/n: This was a request for OuterspaceSammy. Just a warning before...It starts off happy and stays happy because we all need some light stories once in a while. It is a boy x boy story, so if this upsets you in any way then I would skip. Also, if you are LQBTQ or just trying to figure yourself out, I support you. If you need some support or just a friendly message, feel free to message me.

You grab a Yankee shirt and a pair of basketball shorts, and you head outside to play basketball with your friends. You see that Thor, Bucky, Tony, and Steve were already there tossing around the ball. Your black and blue sneakers crunch on rocks as you run towards them. 

"Hey y/n," Steve says passing you the ball. You catch it and pass it to Tony who shots it at the backboard. It makes a swishing noise as it goes into the net.

"Hey, Guys," you say grabbing the ball. You pass it to Thor who passes it to Bucky. 

"You guys up for a little challenge" Natasha's voice rang from behind you. You turn to see her in a red top and black shorts. Next to her was Wanda in a purple top with the same type of shorts as Natasha. Next to her, stood a girl taller than Nat. She had tan skin and long dark hair. She was wearing a soccer jersey and athletic leggings.

"Who are you?" Steve asks looking at the girl.

"Name's Liana," She says winking at him.

"What do you do for a job?" asks Bucky looking at her suspiciously. You walk over and stand next to Bucky.

"I destroy men's as..." She says getting cut off by Natasha's hand.

"She used to play on the Women's National Team, before getting two concussions back to back. Now she does other things like writing" Natasha says glaring at the girl. She rolls her eyes and pushes Natasha's hand off her mouth. 

"Like I was saying, I don't expect any pity from anyone especially your golden boy," She says tapping Steve's chest hard.

"Don't worry. I won't give you any" he says clearly annoyed with the girl's attitude. 

"Let's just play," You suggest stepping between them.  You give the ball to Thor who starts the game.

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You were passed the ball from Thor and shot it. It sailed in the air before crashing into the net, scoring the point. You run to Thor who high fives you. You stare at him for a bit, before running off to guard Nat. Natasha sees that you were distracted so she takes the chance to score a basket, tying the game.

It was the last three minutes of the game when Thor ran up to you.

"Check to your left and I'll pass you the ball" He whispers in your ear. You shudder involuntarily, before nodding your head. He gets the ball from Steve and passes the ball to you. You take a step before shooting the ball. It sails through the air, bouncing once, twice, three times on the rim. You watch in anticipation as the ball swirls on the rim before falling in. You turn to your teammates who all cheer.

 You walk over to Thor and do the secret handshake that the two of you created when you first met. He wrapped an arm around you as the both of you laughed. You looked around to see that the new girl had vanished from sight. You frown and check behind you but no girl. It was almost as if she had disappeared from sight.

"Hey Thor, where's that new girl...Liana, I think her name was?" you say studying his face. He looks around then shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe she went to get water" He said looking at you with his sharp blue eyes. You can't help but ogle at his chiseled face and short blonde hair.

"Y/n...Earth to y/n" Thor says waving a hand in front of your face.

"What sorry?" You say snapping out of your daydream.

"I ask you if you could get me a glass of water." He asks. 

"Yeah sure," you say, and you run off to get a glass of water.

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You were filling up a glass of cold water from the fridge when Liana walked into the room. She stands arms crossed against the kitchen counter and stares at you.

"So you're the new why slash n, huh?" She asked.

"No my name is actually y/n," you say confused.

"And how do you spell that?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"why slash n," you say frowning. 

"Exactly. So now I need to get you paired up with Thor, your bestie soon to be babie" she says smirking.

"I never said I liked him," You say trying to cover for yourself.

"Then why did you say this? It doesn't matter. All I need you to do is take Mjolnir to Thor" She says pointing at the hammer.

"Why?" You ask as you walk to the hammer.

"No time for questions," she says shooing you out the door.

You walk to where the boys were playing some game, most likely Knock-out. You set the water down and call Thor over.

"Hey y/n," He says taking the water from off the bench and chugging it down, his Adam's apple moving with every gulp.

"Hey, I found Liana. She to give you this" You say handing him his hammer. His eyes widen and he spits out his water. 

"How?" He asks studying your hand with the hammer. 

"What, It's not that heavy," you say throwing it in the air. He grabs you and pulls you into a bone-crushing hug. He smiles down at you, as you look up with him confused.

"You're worthy...You're actually worthy" He says in disbelief.

"That's such a good thing why exactly?" You ask pulling away.

"Because I promised my mother that I would marry the person who could pick up my hammer. I am so happy it's you because I really like you and I think you would be a fine ruler" He says really fast.

"You like me?" You ask. His cheeks dust red as he looks at the floor.

"I said that aloud didn't I?" He asks shyly.

"Oh get on with it. He likes you. You like him. Just kiss already" Liana says walking into the room. She throws one of the water bottles at Steve, completely messing up his shot.

"What the heck?" He asks angrily.

"You asked for water," she says shrugging, before turning to you, "Just kiss"

And that you did...

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