Dancing with the Stars

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You ran into Natasha's room and practically jumped on her. She groaned and looked up from her phone where she was on Pinterest.

"What do you want?" She complains pushing you off her and onto the floor.

"Dancing with the Stars." You panted. She squealed and turned on the TV. You got your phone and texted Wanda. She arrived three minutes later, and she slid onto the bed next to you.

"Oooo, He's hot," Natasha said, ogling at the man on TV.

"Natasha," You said smacking her arm, "You have a boyfriend"

"She's not wrong," Wanda interjects.

"That's true," You said, looking at the screen. The man dancing had no shirt on and some killer abs. You stared dreamily at the screen.

"So..." Wanda says as the TV cut to a commercial, "How's your love life going?"

"Fine," Natasha said blushing a bit, "Bucky's doing well with all of the training and whatnot."

"And you?" She says turning towards you.

"My love life is non-existent, that's why we are watching this show." You respond.

"Are you nothing is going on. I mean you flirting with a certain soldier hasn't been going unnoticed" She raises an eyebrow at you.

"Umm excuse you. I would never cheat on Nat with Bucky. He's so...well let's just say he's not my type" You smirk.

"The Wrong Person," Wanda says.

"Well I mean Sam is fine I guess." You say laughing.

"Oh my gosh, How stupid do you think we are? Wait don't answer that." Natasha says turning off the TV.

"Guys, it's not going to happen." You remark.

"So you admit it" Natasha points out.

"Yes, no. I don't know. It's not like I have a chance with Steve. He's with Sharon." You groan. You didn't like Sharon. She was so...fake. She laughed weirdly and just had this Barbie doll appearance. She often came up to you and insulted you, but you put up with it. You had to. You didn't want Sharon to make an ultimatum because of something you said about her.

"Rumor has it, they broke up." Wanda fills you in.

"What?!" You screamed.

"I heard it was because Sharon was jealous of you," Natasha whispers.

"I heard it was because he likes you better than her. Or I might have read his mind. Either way, it's good news" Wanda admits.

"No, no. No. No" You panicked.

"What's wrong," Natasha asked confused, "I thought this was good news?"

"Sharon is going to kill me. Literally and Hypothetically" You said.

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You were right. All week, Sharon would come up to you and purposely mess up you debriefing packets. The first day, she 'accidentally' spilled coffee on the papers. The next day, you 'lost' them. By day six, you had been called into Fury's office.

"L/n, What's going on? You usually aren't this bad at debriefs" He started.

"With all due respect sir, I am probably just having an off week," You sighed.

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