A/n (rant)

327 4 11

 Ugh, where do I start? First off I feel terrible. I promised you guys I would upload, and it's been four days. I guess I was really overwhelmed with school work and my grades. I am so sorry. 

Second, why do teachers give us homework and a million tests the day before grades close? I literally have 5 school days left before I graduate. Grades were supposed to close on Friday, but teachers are making excuses and say we have 6 days left of graded days. Like can you count? 

Plus my science teacher gave me a zero on something I had taken home. She says that because I wasn't there on Monday, I didn't hand in an assignment. I was SICK! What was I supposed to do, using my totally real teleportation skills to give her the assignment? It makes zero sense.

Third, one of my friends has been acting like a Barbie. What does that mean? Frankly, it means that she is so fake that she is made out of plastic. I hate it so much, but I can't really do anything because most of my other friends like her.  I just want school to be over.

The worst part is that I think I have anxiety and slight depression. Everyone is telling me not to be worried about it, but I can't. It's not like an off and on switch that you can just flick off. People aren't the nicest at my school, so I really don't want to tell anyone that I have this going on. I tried to talk about it with one of my friends who also had it. Frankly, she said, "I have it too and mine is worse so I don't care"

Why does it feel like my world is just crumbling as I watch helplessly? The only saving grace is my little Wattpad Community. I know that you guys have always been so supportive, and I can't thank you enough. Honestly, this has saved my life soo much. I'm not going to get into it, but basically, I was in a really dark place before this. You, each and every one of you, have made my life so much better. 

I don't know. My life just kinda sucks right now. I don't want to be selfish because I know a ton of people have it so much worse than I do. Do you guys have any advice? Any thoughts on my situation? Please, Please, Please let me know. 

I love you guys so much. I would honestly hug every one of you for changing my life, but you guys are around the world. So instead, have a virtual hug *virtual hugs everyone*


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