I'm an Avenger so I should have been able to handle this

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A/N: Warning: Abuse, Violence, Mentions of Rape. Please If you have ever been in a situation where you don't give consent please do something. Multiple people want to help you. Even if you have no one, I promise you I will be there. So please say something.

You felt alone. Of course, you had all of your friends, mostly Avengers, but they didn't know. You didn't want to tell them that you -an Avenger- had been sexually assaulted by a guy you thought was okay. You were a hero. You were the person who saved lives on a daily basis. But when he, the guy that you thought was one of a kind, decided that you were the next girl on his list, you lost all your confidence.

Suddenly you weren't the person that the Avengers knew. You definitely weren't the most bubbly person before the incident, but you had always been smart and sassy. You loved to exchange insults and nicknames with Tony. You trained with Steve and Bucky. Natasha and Wanda would always go to you if they had any relationship problems. Bruce asked you about science questions while Loki taught you magic. In all, you had a hand in every part of the Avengers' lives. But after this, you shut down.

The day after, you didn't show up for work. Or the next. Or the day after that. People didn't question it. They knew that you were working hard, so the Avengers just thought you were taking a break from the stress. The only person that thought more of it was the big oaf himself, Thor.

You were closest with the god of thunder. Everyday, he would bring you Pop-tarts to your house in downtown Manhattan, about three avenues away from where the tower was. (Tony wanted you to move to the tower, but you wanted your own flat). Thor noticed when you didn't show up those days. He wanted to go to your apartment, but his brother advised against it. Loki had said that if you wanted to tell him you would. 

Thor wanted to abide by what Loki said. He really did. He didn't want to push you, but when you started to drift farther away from the Avengers he knew he had to do something. That's why he showed up three avenues from where he should be at 3 in the morning.

"Thor?" You asked groggily. He had knocked about four times before you finally opened the door.

"I deeply apologize, lady y/n, but I haven't been able to sleep and I thought you could do something about it," he says, stepping into your flat. As he takes a step towards you, you instinctive step back. Frowning he trying again. You step back.

"Why do you step back every time I step forward, my lady" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together with concern. You shrug and look down. He tries to go forward but you put your hand out.  

"Please stop," You whimper. You back up against the wall, trying to fight the panic rushing through your veins.

"Please, I...Let go of me," You scream, batting away invisible arms. You feel tears welling up in your eyes as hands grab your biceps and rub up and down.

"Love, Please," A voice says. You pry your eyes open, but tears blur your vision. You can barely make out Thor's figure trying to calm you.

"I can't...please help me," You scream again, as tears begin to fall. Thor brings you into his chest as you start to sob. Rubbing your back, he soothes you until you are able to talk again without having to wipe away tears.

"My Love, please. Who did this to you? Who hurt you?" He asks calmly. His eyes, blue and brown, fill with storm clouds of rage and hurt. It look as if he was going to fight Thanos again with his bare hands.

Thanos...That dreaded name still makes chill run up your spine. At first, everyone just disappeared in ashes. You thought that was the worst moment in your life -watching your friends and family crumble- but it pales in comparison to him. At least with Thanos, everything ended up just fine.

"Y/n, you're shaking. Please tell me who did this," He says, rubbing your back.

You wanted to tell him, but you couldn't. You liked him -no, loved him- and you didn't want him to think of you any less.  You were an Avenger. You shouldn't have let this guy get to you. You were embarrassed. You were scared.

"I can't..." You murmured, shaking your head and closing your eyes. 

"Please. What do I have to say to make you tell me?" He begs, trying to convince you. He loved you and it physically hurt to see you like this. He just wanted you, the happy you, back and in him arms.

"Thor," You say, meeting his eyes. You see an immense feeling swarming in his eyes. Was it love? No, he probably just pitied you.

"Y/n, please. I love you with my entire soul. I cannot fathom a world without you. Everyday you're sinking farther away from me with every minute. Your beatiful eyes have lost their sparkle. Your happy face has lost its glow. I need you like a flower need water. Please just tell me and I promise you that I will help you. You don't have to be afraid of anything. I promise to you my love no matter what you say," He promises, taking your hands. You see tears welling up in the god's eyes and it suddenly feels like you weren't alone. 

"                  , His name is                              ." You say. You feel Thor hug you, nodding. 

"Please don't leave me, Thor," You beg, feeling tears in your eyes again.

"Never my love. I would never leave you in this life, nor the next. You are mine and I yours. I love you, my lady, so much," He replies running a hand through your bed hair. Yawning, it suddenly dawns on you that it was four in the morning on a Sunday.

"Lets go to bed, Thor," You say standing up and pulling his hand.

"Are you sure you want me in your bed?" He asks, blushing. He rubs his neck nervously and looks down.

"Maybe later, Point Break," You laugh, and shoot him a wink. He smiles and laughs softly.

"For now," You continue, "I just want you next to me...for safety reasons of course,"

"For safety reasons," he repeats, smiling wider, "Of course I have to protect you, because that's what heroes do,"

You roll your eyes before replying, "Watch your ego, Wonderboy. I may be a damsel. I may be in distress, but I've got this,"

"I love you, my lady"

"I love you too, Wonderboy,"

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