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"When people ask questions, they usually expect the usual answer of 'okay' or 'fine'. They are always looking for the easy way, the road that most people take. People fight so hard to stand out when they are just looking for acceptance. Look around you. These people, these everyday people, strive to dream and hope in the worst situations. They don't realize that every day they go to work and do the same thing. They are feeding off their own dreams, yet they tell their kids to dream," You paused to look around you at the crowd.

The people were surrounding you with signs, cheering you on. You walk away from the podium to near the crowd. You take the microphone, walking towards the edge of the stage.

"Tell me why, then, do they criticize this hero. She protects our city, helps our neighbors, and make sure that people don't fear. They call her a villain, a vigilante. Well, we are here to say that she is appreciated by this city. We love Phoenix!" You pump your fist into the air to start the chant.

Soon, the crowd is creating a deafening scream of 'we love Phoenix'. Teenagers and adults alike rally together to support her. When you put your finger to your lips, they all stop chanting to see what else you have to say.

"We may have some opposition, like the Avengers, but soon enough we will make her the hero she is supposed to be. Not because she doesn't deserve it, but because she protects Claburg! Thank you" You finish speaking and return the microphone to its former position. The crowds cheer as you quickly jog off the stage to let the next speaker get on.

"That was amazing," Your assistant and best friend Meghan says. She had a slight New York accent that shown through whenever she talked to you.

"Thank you. So what's the day like?" You ask, looking at her. She looks down at her clipboard while playing with her dark brown, slightly frizzy hair.

"You have a meeting at twelve-thirty with..."She trails off, rereading the paper. You stop walking to turn back to her.

"With whom, Meghan?" You ask, growing slightly uneasy at the confused glance she gave you.

"The Avengers? That doesn't make sense," she says flipping through her multiple papers, "I never scheduled a meeting with them,"

"It's okay, I was going to have to deal with them at some point," you sigh, running your fingers through your hair.

"You better hurry then, it's twelve-twenty" She points out, looking down at her watch. You nod before getting on your motorcycle and speeding off to your tower.

* * *

"Set that down," You tell Mr. Stark as he plays with your stapler. You walk to your chair and set your motorcycle helmet on your desk. You sit down and motion for them to take a seat.

"It really isn't polite to hack into my schedule, cancel all of my meetings, and then arrange for you to be here ten minutes after I finish a speech at City Hall." You say taking a pen out from a container on the side of your desk.

"Would you have scheduled a meeting with us if we had asked politely?" Stark retorts.

"I don't think the word 'polite' is in your dictionary. To answer your question, I would absolutely not have you in my office if you would have called. So what are you doing here?" You snarl, glaring at the billionaire.

"To peacefully ask you to step down from your position of CEO at VVV offices and come with us to our base," Stark replies going to his phone. You cough before glaring at him.

"Excuse me, but did I hear you right? There is no way that you are going to make me resign from my position," You argue, standing up from the chair and slamming your hands on the desk.

"That's you," Stark says showing you a video of Phoenix beating some drug dealers. She flipped and shot the camera, cutting the footage. He scrolls to the next video where it shows you grabbing the suit out of a duffle bag.

"I don't see what you're aiming at," You remark, turning back to your desk.

"We could easily turn you in, but we are giving you a chance to come clean," he retorts, walking to your desk.

"I saw the duffle bag, and I gave it to the police. That's it. Now, if you're finished with your conspiracies, you should leave. The police already brought me to court to try to convict me. Three minutes into the court case, she shows up and busts some thugs. So trust me when I say that you're mistaken." You say, picking up your phone and dialing Meghan's number, "I need some security to assist these visitors out of the premise."

About three seconds later, Meghan walks into the room with three bodyguards. They escort the heroes out as Tony glares back last you. When they exit earshot, you release a gigantic breath.

"How was the meeting?"Meghan asks, pressing a few buttons on a keypad on the southwest corner of the room.

"Fine, though I think its time for you to suit up again to prove that I'm not Phoenix," You say, walking towards Meghan as the secret door opens to reveal a staircase that leads to a hidden room.

* * *

"So last Monday, I had some unwelcome visitors at my business. Turns out Earth's Mightiest Heroes wanted to pay me a visit" You tell the crowd. At the mention of the Avengers, the crowd boos and jeers them.

"I know, I know, they aren't my favorite people either. Anyways, they come and tell me that I'm this Vigilante. As much as I would love to be her, I'm definitely not hero material. It's crazy because if I'm Phoenix, then who's that?" You ask. Meghan jumps down from the rafters wearing your suit. The crowd erupts into a massive applause with people jumping to get a closer look.

"I am Phoenix," Meghan says, the voice changer altering her voice, "I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting me when people with power didn't. Know that I will always protect Claburg's citizen with my life, even those who don't like me. I hope that I inspire you to be a better person." When she finishes, she throws a smoke bomb onto the stage and disappears.

"You heard her. She is Phoenix, not me. Remember that even though we may not have the support of other heroes, we cannot hate them. If we hate, then no good can come from it. Thank you for your time." You say, and once again jog off the stage.

You go to your 2018 Harley Davidson Street 500 motorcycle and drive off. Before you could leave the stadium lot, you get stopped by the famous playboy philanthropist.

"That was a nice magic trick you pulled, but it's not going to stop me from having you arrested," He shouts over the sound of your revving engine. You roll your eyes before racing away, leaving Stark in your dust.

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