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A/n: Inspiration by VanillaHorizon. As Always Enjoy!

You always believed that guys in movies and books were nicer than real life guys. They never hurt you. They can't because they only exist in your imagination. They could help through the tough times, but you never had to have a personal relationship with them. You shape them and create new ideas for their personal life, something that not many people could see. Maybe that's why you started to write, so people could have a connection to them no matter where they lived. It didn't matter what you looked like, what religion you belonged to, what gender you are. You could go anywhere in the world and find people that you could identify with.

Sure, there were going to be some growing pains, there always are. Still, you knew that you could always rely on these characters to stay with you and not leave when the night is at its darkest. So that was why you had 5 fictional men in your living room, right?

"Are you doing that narrating thing that authors usually do at the beginning of a story?" Tony asked, tapping on your chest. It jarred you out of your thoughts, which wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"How did you get here again? I'm sorry I tend to zone out whenever I think of a new story," You reply turning to Steve.

"Loki transported us here," he sighs rolling his eyes, "He said he wanted us to learn more about 'our fandom' or something"

"Did he say anything about a site? I can't exactly look up random fandom facts and hope that something shows. Oh wait that's exactly what I'm going to do," You respond, grabbing your computer from the table and hopping on the leather couch,"

"I just don't get this. Loki made this out to be some scarring thing, but it's just our fans. How bad can that be," Bucky says, sitting next to you?

"Oh you poor innocent thing," You say, smiling, "It's like you don't know all the ships that Steve has,"

"Ships?! You own ships, Steve," Thor asks, spinning around to see Steve. You watched as Bruce rubbed his head, sighing.

"No Thor, y/n means ships as in relationships between different characters. For example, there's a Stucky Ship," he says motioning to Steve and Bucky. Steve grows red while Bucky looks like he was going to throw up.

"Why?" Steve mutters, covering his face with his hands.

"Yup," You say standing up," There's also Stoki, Amerihawk, Stony, Superfamily, Romanogers, Staron, War Shield, Scarlet America, Americaw...I feel like I'm forgetting some,"

"Thundershield, Capsicoul, Spangled Banner, Steggy...I think that's it," Tony finishes.

"You got to the threesomes, and then foursomes, and so on and so forth," You say, smiling at how red Cap had gotten. He looked as if someone had gotten candy red paint and smeared it all over his face.

"Please tell me there are other ones," Bucky says laughing at Steve's embarrassment.

"Yup, so for you we have...Winter Widow, Winterwitch, Stucky, Winter Agent, Winter Falcon, Winterhawk, Ironwinter, Winter Family, and Lucky," You read off of a Wikipedia site. You watch as Steve starts to laugh as Bucky's jaw drops at some of the names

"Oooh do me next," Tony shouts, peering over to look at your phone.

"Tony you have...Iron Widow, Pepperony, Ironwitch, my personal favorite: Science Bros, Science Family, Ironhawk, Iron Agent, Iron Bros, IronPanther, IronFalcon, IronAnt, IronStrange, and Iron Thunder," You reply, "The rest is just some awful things that shouldn't be on there,"

"What about Bruce," He asks, yanking your phone out of their hands, "Brucie, you have Bretty, Brutasha, Dr. Pepper, Science Bros, Science Family, Hulkeye, Spangled Banner. Thor, you have Fosterson, Black Thunder, Thunderwar, Scarlet Thunder, Th- Hey!" Tony shouts as you yank away the phone from his hands.

"That's enough, we don't want to corrupt poor Stevie's brains," you say, turning it off.

"Oh thank gods," Steve sighs, "Why do people come up with these things?"

"We tend not to question Tumblr, that always ends badly," You say growing distant thinking about a much darker time...

"Whats going on?" Bucky asks as a green mist surrounds them. You shrug as the green mist fades, teleporting you and them back to the Tower. You watch as they walk off not noticing that you were still there. You were about to ask them about getting home when a man's hand covered your mouth and dragged you into a spare room.

When it let go, you spun around to see the god of mischief towering over you. You glared up at him, but he was already glaring down at you.

"Was that necessary?" You sneered.

"What did you tell them?" He demanded. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms ( I accidentally put rolled your arms and crossed your eyes hahaha oops)

"I told them the basics, duh. I didn't want them to be scared forever," You scoffed.

"Good, you can go now," He says waving his hand in a strange looking circle. Before you could respond, you fell face first onto your couch.

"I hate you Loki," You grumbled, "That's the last time I ever help you,"

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