Fire Alarm

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A/N: Based off a life experience. I felt that I needed a way to express the trama and helplessness that you feel during an event such as this. I am only doing this because I don't want to continue to hold in the pain I was feeling during and after the MSD shooting.  If you are going through something like this please reach out. I will always support you no matter what happens. Flashbacks are in Italics.

WARNING: VIOLENCE! shooting, death, blood, gore

You were in the middle of eating a slice of hot, cheesy pizza when the lights suddenly dimmed. They glowed darker before returning to normal. About three seconds later, the fire alarms blared. You quickly jumped out of your seat and ducked down. You scrambled back into your seat and plugged your ears, trying to block out the sound out. You saw Natasha give you a worried look but you had to squeeze your eyes shut. When you opened your eyes again, you saw the horror play out again.

The alarms were screeching as you and your class ran outside to avoid the 'fire'. You saw the light and sighed thinking it was all over. You didn't like fire drills in general, but this one seemed too real. As soon as you entered into the warm spring heat, you heard the shots of a gun and smelt the distinct sharp smell of gunpowder.

You heard a bloodcurdling scream come from ahead of you. Suddenly a student, your best friend, fell down. Blood was pouring out from her chest and gushing out onto the pavement, staining it red. You raced toward her, but one of your other friends grabbed your arm.

"What are you doing?" You screamed at her.

"You need to go, She won't make it no matter what we do," She yelled back, racing toward the school's exit.

You quickly run in front and open the gate to let about five more students out. Five gunshots ring out from around you. You could feel a gust of wind and a slight burn from where a bullet skimmed your head. You looked to your right at the fellow students. Three of them were slumped over, blood dripping from their bodies. The other student was clutching his leg as the blood drained onto his leg. You quickly scurried to where the student was laying and throw his arm over your shoulders.

Together the both of you jogged to the nearest gas station. You flew through the doors with wide eyes. You set down the guy and raced to the counter. The clerk had already called an ambulance, so you asked to see the phone. After phoning the police, you dialed your mom's phone number.

"Mom?" You sobbed through the phone as sirens rang out around you.

"Y/n? What's going on? Are you okay?" She asked, panicked.

"Mom, she didn't make it out." You cry, cool tears running down your face.

"What's going on? Y/n, baby, you need to talk to me," She replies. You could feel the color drain from your mother's face as you responded.

"Lillian...She just...Momma, I'm sorry,"

"Excuse me, Ma'am, we need to check you out." An EMT cuts you off. You nod frantically and hang up the phone. The woman leads you past a blotch of red and through the doors to an ambulance. They roll up the sleeves of your arms and measure your heart rate and other necessities. Once you were cleared, you searched the place for a police officer. You found one near one of the other ambulances.

"Do you know..." You trail off, wiping tears away from your face. He nods slowly before looking down at the ground. He walks to you and hugs you as you sob into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," His gruff voice whispers, "I'm so sorry, Y/n."

"Y/n!" Someone yells

"Y/n!" You hear it again

"Y/N!" The voice repeats shaking your shoulder. You look through tear stricken eyelashes to see Natasha shaking your shoulder. Her face had paled and she looked worried and a bit frightened.

"Sorry," You apologize softly, wiping away tears. She nods and sits back down. By now the fire alarms had stopped but the flashback was still raw in your mind. You drink a bit of your water, the coolness only growing the hole in your heart. You look up for a second to meet your boyfriend's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Peter asks taking your hand and rubbing it.

"No," You reply, shaking your head slowly.

"Do you want to share?" He asks. You shrug before taking a bite of pizza. It felt cold and plain, similar to what you were feeling.

"Do you guys remember that school shooting in Samaseri?" You ask. Some nod while others just look confused.

"The one where the famous singer's daughter was killed," Tony asked, "Didn't you participate in the march on her behalf."

"Yeah. She was my best friend and I was there when it happened," You reply, playing with your straw. You could feel Peter's grasp tighten as looks of horror and surprise morph on the Avengers' faces.

"The fire" You start.

"You had a flashback to when you were in the school, " Steve cuts in. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes again.

"Oh gods," Peter mutters sadly. He stands up and pulls his chair so that you formed a short bench. You leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes wishing that you could just disappear forever. 

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