Vacation Nightmare

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3rd POV

The Avengers were walking around Tropical Park just enjoying the day. It was hot, but then again everywhere in Miami was. Tony had first suggested a trip to the Bahamas, but Clint and Natasha had bad mission experiences there. They decided on South Florida and were staying at a local hotel.

"It's too hot," Clint complained.

"I wonder why?" Tony replied sarcastically.

"Imagine what it's like with long hair" Bucky sneered.

"Come on you guys. Can't we just get along?" Natasha begged.

The bickering continued until they all heard shouting in the distance.

"Okay, get into your starting positions" one voice shouted.

"Okay." Another voice replied.

"Three, two, one...FIGHT" the first voice yelled.

Steve and Tony exchanged glances, and everyone crept forward toward the shouting.

"I used my teleportation powers, that doesn't count." The first voice called out.

"Fine, but I get to use my shield of light five seconds longer." The second responded.

"Whatever. OK, starting positions."

Suddenly a hula hoop flew over the small hill where the Avengers were hiding. It lands next to Thor's foot. He picked it up and threw it back.

"Oh my god, Bella, this thing is magic." The first voice said.

"Magic doesn't exist, Leanna" the second voice, Bella, replied.

"Watch this," Leanna told her.

The hula hoop soared over the hill and this time landed by Steve's foot. He threw it back, unsurely.

"There's got to be an explanation for this." Bella scoffed.

"There is," Leanna explained, "It's MAGIC".

The team stifled laughs as they heard on the girls scream magic.

"Magic is like superheroes, they don't exist." Bella reminded her. "Let's go check out why the hula hoops bouncing back."

"Fine" Leanna relented.

Tony looked at Widow, raising an eyebrow.

"They do know we exist, right?" He whispered.

"Some just think we're an urban legend." She whispered back shrugging.

He rolled his eyes, not noticing the wide-eyed twenty-six-year-old staring at them.

"What the heck," She mumbled, "Hey Bella, you might want to come here"

"What's up," she said coming out from behind some bushes, "Oh god".

The two girls stared at the superheroes shocked. Natasha smirked at the girls' faces, while Thor and Bruce just looked confused. Then, the older one of the girls started to smile. She playfully shoved her sister's shoulder before talking.

"You were saying superheroes don't exist." She said. The younger one shook her head.

"Their weirdos, Leanna. Just people who thought today was Halloween." She said, "Let's get out of here."

"That's mean," Tony chided, "I definitely know when Halloween is"

"So you're admitting your a creep," Leanna said raising an eyebrow. She took a step back pulling her sister with her. Tony just shrugged, while Natasha shoved him into Clint.

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