Don't Bother

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WARNING: This story is sad,like really sad. If you don't like to hear about death, I suggest you don't read it.

He pulled with all his might, but they wouldn't give. How could he have gotten caught. All he remembered was going to a party, getting drunk, and a woman...oh. He struggled a bit more, but the rope chaffed into his delicate skin.

"Don't bother," a voice said.

He looked up to discover a thin woman, not much younger than Wanda bound with the same rope. Although it was dark, he could se her bruised eyes and bloody wrists. He could tell that she onced had bright lighting blue eyes, but that had faded.

"I already tried." she whispered looking down at the floor. She didn't cry. Not a single drop fell ontoth cold stone floor. She had used up her tears long ago. Now, she was cold. She longed for the soft touch of death to whisk her away to something new. Somewhere, she hoped, that was warm, and bright, and happy. That, now that, was what she wanted more than anything. So she didn't spare any tears today.

"Who are you" he asked. He felt sorry for the girl.

"I do not know" she replied. She had never been given a name, just a number. The scientists had stripped away any human like connections. She once had a name, one that her mother like any had proudly given her baby, but that had been forgotten over the passing years. Now she only had a number. She had recited it to her memory; she was number 45635.

"Oh" he said. He knew of people such as James Barnes that had forgotten everything. Maybe it was arrogance or a long lasting feeling of hatred, but he had never believed James. He could never comprehend that it was possible to strip away all human features. But now, now he could only see how easy it was for a person to forget.

"What's your name" she asked. He looked at her, and saw only curiosity.

"My name is Tony Stark. Do you know who I am?" he asked her.

"No, no sir. I'm sorry if that upsets you." she replied meekly. She had been born in a third world country that had been war torn for years. One the day she was born, the country had declared peace, so her mother had named her y/n, but she did not know this. She only knew her number, 45635.

" you remember anything outside this place" he asked shyly. He didn't want to upset her. It was quite possible that she had some sort of PTSD. He, of course, had a form of it. After he fell out of the portal and almost died, he had nightmares. They were usually about what would happen if he failed, of the fallen avengers that he could have helped.

"Yes. I...I remember a warm glow. Its warmth heating my pale skin with its kiss" she starts.

"That's the sun" he informs her.

"The sun" she trys out on her toungue as if it was a new word.

"What else do you remember?"

"I remember a blue abyss above my head. It was longer than any ocean, and yet it had some sort of calming presence as if it was watching over me. There was also this puffy candy like shapes in it as if someone, a child, had thrown it across the blue." She sighs, "I also remember this woman. She smiled down at me. She loved me, and yet I didn't know here. She loved to play with my little hands in her giant ones."

He looked at her saddened. She could not even remember the simplest of things. She forgot the sky, the clouds, and most importantly her mother. He looked down, regret filling his mind. He had missed his mother more than anything, but to have this woman, not even older than most of her teammates, not remember her family.

"What else?" he asks on the verge of crying.

"I remember a darker time. The once pure clouds had turned dark with rain. Something louder than thunder errupted by where I was. This man, his dark eyes full of of this emotion, ran into the room where the woman was and told her to hide. She brought my close to her and kissed my head softly. She handed me to the man and he brought me away. He ran as the sounds grew louder. This red and orange flower engulfed the place where we were. He brought me to a rock in the woods. He, cyring, laid me there. I never saw them again." She finished.

He looked down, tears dripping onto the floor. He looked as she looked at the floor emotionless. She didn't feel a connection to the people she was talking about. It was just memories that had somehow remained with her. She looked at the man, who heart was shattered with pity for the girl.

"Why are you crying" she asks.

"Your barely saw the world and yet you know it better than anyone. I'm sorry that you weren't able to live here peacefully" he replies

"Do not mourn the past. Do not mourn the forgotten. I do not know them, neither do you. Do not mourn those who were   forgotten." she tells him. She looks at him before her eyes glass over. Her head lolls to the right of her body. She had been kissed by death, who had brought her to the next life. She had not even been able to live, and yet it was for the best. She had taken the innocence with her, leaving only a faint glimmer of hope with him.

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"Thank you very much for being here" He announced at his latest party, "I would like to share with you my new porject. It is called the Forgotten Project. I will be giving those who have forgotten their past or parts of it, a chance to begin again. We will be offering therapy programs for PTSD or any other needs that our patients struggle with. As you may know, I had some trouble with some rebels in that area, and was captured. I meet this woman who sadly cannot be with us today. She barely knew the world she was born in and yet she was wiser than any of us standing here. She made me realize that this is the only life you get, so don't hold anything against anyone."

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