Legends Never Die

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A/n: Inspired by Legends Never Die, song above. Slight Infinity War Spoilers.  Enjoy

Working for Fury had its ups and downs. One of the major benefits was that you didn't have to expose one of the biggest secrets that could kill you. The only downfall was that you were working with assassins and spies. On the outside, you always seemed so happy and at peace, but inside you were a raging tidal wave waiting for the one mistake to unleash. 

Fury was the only one to know your secret, so he knew that it wasn't a good idea to send you near large bodies of water. It wasn't that you were terrified, it was the exact opposite. You enjoyed water too much. You knew that if you were to see water like the ocean, you would never return willingly.

That was why Fury put you in the medical bay. You were an amazing doctor, you're magical powers helped though. You had met some of the Avengers once or twice, but that was enough for them to grow suspicious. Something about you wasn't exactly human. Something about you had this dark heavenly glow as if you were superhuman. 

They weren't wrong, you weren't fully human. Your mom was Aglaope.  Aglaope was the queen of the sirens who had fallen in love with a man. Some of her powers transferred over to you, making you less mortal than immortal. Somewhere around 345 AD, your mom granted you immortality, but it was at a cost. 

Your voice was hypnotic to anyone that heard, making you insanely dangerous. More than once, you had led sailors to their death by accident. The only power that wasn't deadly was your healing power, but even that had its curses. To heal someone, you had to use your voice. The only loophole was to make sure that the person hurt was knocked out and everyone else had to be out of the room.

Each time you used your voice, your urge to go to the Ocean got stronger. Fury tried to make medicine for you, but it never worked. The only thing that would slightly help, was to douse your hair with water. You always kept your hair wet, so that you wouldn't need to go to the Ocean.

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You were working on a patient when Fury burst through the door followed by the Avengers. They had lucked out because you were waking the patient instead of healing them. A minute sooner, and they would have been hypnotized.

"I want to know what going on" Tony announced pointing at Fury, "Who is she? What's with the hair? Why-"

"She has a name" You interrupted, "I would appreciate it if you don't use a pronoun"

"Sorry, err, Y/n," He says looking at your name tag.

"I don't see the big deal" Fury shrugs, "She is my doctor, not one of yours."

"I side with Tony on this, Fury. I did a DNA test and she's not fully human" Bruce argues

"You, Doctor, aren't fully human, so with all due respect please go" You replied pointing at the door.

"At least we know what the other half of him is" Tony yells storming up to you, "For all, we know you are part HYDRA."

"Wrong Greek monster" You murmur, setting down your tools.

"Excuse me?" Tony asked

"I said, Wrong Greek monster," You said poking his chest, "You want to know so bad? Well, genius, what greek monster is my parent?!"

"Stark. Stand down" Fury yelled, pulling Tony back. Tony shook from Fury's grasp, marching to you.

"Let me guess, Medusa? That would explain your ugliness."

You felt the blood rush through your ears, and you clenched your eyes shut. 

"Prove him wrong" Your mother's voice rang out from your ears, "Show them who you really are"

You felt your hair start to swirl around your head, and the urge to sing grow stronger. You opened your eyes and looked down. Your hands had a blue-green glow surrounding them and you panicked. 

You looked at the mirror in the back, seeing that your normal (eye color) had turned into an artic blue one. Your hair whipped around you as you struggled to contain your voice. You wanted to open your mouth to shout for help, but you knew that it would release your voice.

Suddenly the door burst open, and you heard the voices of two people. You turned to see a man with jet black hair and another with long blond hair. The blond turned to the black haired one, and he nodded. He said a string of words, waving his hands in a circle. 

You felt the anger slowly drain, and you dropped to your knees. The blond one walked to his friends while the other one slowly approached you. He sank to his knees next to you.

"Thank you" You whispered not fully trusting your voice.

"You're a Siren?" He asked politely.

"Not fully but yes" You answered looking up.

"That's...amazing. Who is your mom?" He replied meeting your eyes. His face had an excited expression on it, but also one of understanding.

"Aglaope, who are you?" You asked.

"I am Loki of Asgard, son of Laufey," He said sadly.

"Oh my gods, you're a frost giant. That is so cool" You giggled slightly.

"Really? How so?" He smirked.

"You can control ice and whatnot. Not to mention the intricate markings on your skin. They are beautiful" You remark.

"Thank you. I only have one question, I thought sirens had faded out. How are you here?"

"I am immortal, so I don't fade out. Though I am one the last of my kind."

"Oh," He says standing up, "Come on, let's go" 

"Go where?" You asked.

"To Asgard, let's see if we can do something about the urge to go to the Ocean." He says smiling. 


"I can read minds, now to  Asgard"

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"I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again," He says making eye contact with Thor.

"Loki?" you whisper, your voice cracking slightly.

"Love, my dearest queen, I swear to you that I will see you again. Never doubt me, darling, and I will not fail to disappoint you." He says smiling sadly

"Please...please" You begged, feeling the coolness of tears streaming down your cheeks.

You closed your eyes as Loki walk toward Thanos. His soft footsteps matching your loud heartbeat. You couldn't hear anything until you heard the loud thump against the floor. You opened your eyes to see Loki on the ground, his face pale and lifeless.

Thanos disappeared and your bloodcurdling screams echoed across the room. You broke your restraints and ran toward his side. You softly touched his ice-cold cheeks, sobbing. You felt Thor slowly hug you as the both of you knelt by, sobbing. 

"Bring him back," you begged, "He's not dead, so bring him back" 

"You know that I wish I could," Thor replied, his voice wavering.

"Why?" you cried, turning into his chest, "Why were you so heroic?"

You felt the ship explode around you, but it didn't matter. None of the pain you would feel could match the one you felt when your heart shattered into a million pieces.

What you didn't see was Loki in the darkness crying for you. He could feel the pain radiating from you and Thor. He wanted to run to your arms, but that wouldn't stop Thanos. He needed Thor to seek revenge, it was the only way. Before he vanished, he whispered

"Remember my words, and I will return" 

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