When in doubt, JUST DANCE

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A/n: Infinity War comes is coming out : ). Can't wait. I'm seeing it with my friends on Saturday. All I ask of you guys is that this is a no spoiler zone for about a week or so. #thanosdemandsyoursilence

You were preparing for one of your newest missions. You quickly ran to the meeting room where everyone was waiting for you to get there. You sat down next to Nat and Cap started to speak.

"It's a simple undercover mission. I'm thinking that Nat could go undercover because she has past experience." He starts.

"Wait...hold up. Why is she going? This is a mission in Spain right?" You cut in. 

"Yeah," Cap responds.

"Well no offense Natasha, but you don't look anything near Hispanic or Latina. You would stick out like a sore thumb. Plus you have the most experience. They would be looking for you." You direct your eyes to her, and sees as she slowly nods.

"She's right. We need someone that is a Latina who can easily blend in with a crowd" She agrees. You nod, then notice everyone staring at you.

"No" You say.

"Awe come on l/n" Tony complains.

"You look Spanish." Bucky chimes in.

"Please" The boys plead at once. You could even see Nat looking at you.

"Fine" You groan. Natasha, along with Wanda, jumps up and grabs your hand.

*                                                                              *                                                                 *

That's how you got in Madrid, all dolled up and looking pretty. You were in a Red flamingo dress that hung slightly to your waist. You had to admit, you looked really pretty. Natasha and Wanda had made you look like a princess.

"Okay, so your target is the one with the red tie and black suit" Cap announced into your earpiece.

"Okay" You whispered back, taking a drink of your champagne. You slowly made your way to the man who was talking to one of his friends.

"Hey Boys," You said in Spanish, "I'm a pretty dame in need of a date and a dance. Are one of you willing to help a poor girl out"

"You dance salsa?" The man with the red tie asks, grabbing your hand.

"Of course," You said giggling, "Give me a second, and I'm all yours" You winked and walked away to the bathroom to talk to your team.

"Y/n? What are you thinking?" Cap shouted.

"I'm thinking that the only way I can get a chance with him is through a dance" You murmur back.

"Let me remind you that you can't dance," Tony said, "We've all seen you before, you suck l/n"

You got angry at his last words. How dare he? They were supposed to trust you. You took your earpiece out of your ear and step on it with your heel. You then walked back to where the man was standing.

"You ready for our dance?" You asked him, grabbing his hands. You made your way to the dance floor as a new song started. He put on his hand on your waist and grabbed your hand with the other.

One, two, three. You counted your footsteps in your head. You spun and he caught you. You resumed your dance and you continued. One, two, three. One, two three. One, two, three. A movement in your hips. You looked into his eyes to see him memorized with your movements. You continued with the steps, adding a little more swaying motion in your hips. You could see that his eyes were filling with lust.

"You have a room nearby?" You whispered into his ear. He growled and lead you out of the party and into a small hotel that was down the road. While he was "getting ready", you slipped a drug into his water. When he walked out of the bathroom, he quickly gulped down the water. You walked up to him.

"Night, Gabriel," You said as he slumped down, conscience. You walked up to the phone that was hanging on the wall. You dialed the number that Natasha gave you and heard as it rang once before someone picked it up.

"Got the package," You said.

"We need to talk once you get back here," Cap says before hanging up. 

In about three minutes, you had the full Avengers assembled in front of your door. (See what I did there. Avengers assembled....)

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked. 

"I did my job, he's here. What's the problem?" You snarled not liking the attitude you were getting.

"You smashed all communications. That's not okay" He pointed out. You rolled your eyes. Bucky walked up to you and whispered into your ear:

"He's just jealous that you can actually dance"

You started laughing with Bucky joining in.

"Awee it's okay, Stevie. Not everyone was born a dancer" You say pinching his cheeks.

"Shut up," He says before walking out.

"In all seriousness though, where did you learn to dance like that?" Bucky asks raising an eyebrow.

"That's a secret that I'll never tell anyone," You say, "Kinda like Budapest"

"Not happening. I'm not telling you," Natasha says walking past you.

"You don't know what happened in Budapest?" Bucky asks. You frantically shake your head.

"Okay, so it all happened when Clint...

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