Beach Day

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A/n: Summer means summer stories...YAY! Enjoy. 

You had known Lala since you were born. Even before you could say her actual name, Victoria, you called her Lala. You were best friends, going through middle school and high school together. Sadly when college arrived, the two of you had split up. You went to Cambridge in England and she went to UF in Florida.  A year after graduating college, you had met up again.

"So I was thinking we could go to the beach today" You suggested packing sandwiches in a cooler.

"Yeah, sure," She answers, opening the fridge to get water. 

"We should bring the soccer goals," You remarked, walking to the pantry to get chips. You reach for the bag of Doritos. You throw the bag to Lala who places it on top on the cooler. She fills two large water bottles before bringing the food to your car. You go the closet, and you grab a soccer ball and the Pugg goals. 

You bring them out to the car. You see that Lala was already sitting on the passenger side, looking down at her phone. You jump into the car, starting the engine. 

"How about the Outer Banks?" You ask, pulling out of the driveway. 

"Yeah sure," She agrees, looking up at you.

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After a long thirty minute drive, you finally arrive at the beach. You pause the music playing on your phone, and step out. Lala rushes to the trunk, her steps leaving slight footprints in the sand. She grabs the cooler and the extra sheet you always kept for emergencies. She races off to the ocean leaving you to carry the Pugg goals and the ball. 

Once you finally reach where she was standing on the sheet, you collapse sighing. You hear her start to laugh at you so you throw the ball at her feet. She runs away, probably to go set up the goals. You sit up and take off the shorts and t-shirt covering your bathing suit. You look around and see that Lala was talking to three men near one of the goals she had set up. 

"Everything okay, Victoria?" You ask, jogging over. 

"Yup, they just wanted to play with us," She explains.

"'They'? Do you even know their names?" You question, looking at her with one eyebrow raised.

"Name's Sam, that's Steve, and that's Clint," A man introduces, "Now that you know our name, can we decide teams?"

"We should play girls vs boys," You smile mischievously. 

"I don't think that's fair," The man named Steve murmurs. You look at Lala, rolling your eyes.

"Trust me, it isn't. You guys aren't going to win," Lala states. 

"How about a little wager?" You suggest, "You win, we'll give you one thing of your choice. We win, you each give us 20 dollars,"

"Sure, but be prepared to lose," Sam says, kicking the ball to you. 

You give them a chance to set up, before dribbling it at them. You see Sam start to near you, so you pass the ball to Lala. She receives it before taking the shot. It whizzes past Clint and WHOOSH! She scored.

"Lucky shot," Sam mutters under his breath.  Steve passes the ball to Sam who tries to dribble it past you. You push into his shoulder lightly, slowly driving him to outside the makeshift field. You stick a foot out and steal the ball. You dribble it before passing it to Lala. This time, Clint steps out to block her. She looks toward you and kicks the ball so that it is in the air. You jump, turning your body in the air, and volley the ball into the net. You land on your back. When you stand, you see that the boys were staring at you with wide eyes.

"Lucky shot?" You repeated, shrugging your shoulders.

"Whatever," Sam mutters, passing the ball to Steve who immediately tries to shoot. Lala sticks her foot out, effectively stopping the ball. She passes it to you and you go 1 vs 1 with Sam. You immediately spin into a Maradona and dribble past him. You then pass the ball to Lala who shoots and scores again.

"Okay, either the two of you are really good at soccer or you aren't who you say you are," Clint says, picking up the ball.

"We may have played for the US National Team in the World Cup," Lala says, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, and we don't really like it when guys assume that they're gonna win so..." You continue.

"Wait what even are your names?" Clint asks, confused.

"Victoria Keat and Y/n L/n. I'm the forward for the National Team.  And Y/n is the midfielder," Lala explains.

"So were you going to let us win?" Sam asks, smiling lightly.

" We kinda hate the publicity. Plus its fun to be normal again," You say, shrugging.

"We should probably tell you who we are then," Sam remarks, "That's Captain America, I'm Falcon, and that's Hawkeye,"

"We knew, you guys aren't exactly discrete about your identities," You shrug.

"Y/n," Lala says looking at her phone, "Mia wants us to go to the trainer in about an hour,"

"Oh," Sam mutters.

"Well boys, it's been fun. I'm sure we'll meet again," You picking up your stuff and giving them a wave.

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You were getting ready for your game against South Korea when the Captain, Mia, came to you. 

"It seems like you have some pregame visitors," Mia winks, "Make sure you're back for warm-ups in ten minutes."

You nod and walk to the hallway of the locker room. You look around; your eyes landing on Sam.

"What are you doing here?" You ask surprised. He turns and smiles, rubbing his arm sheepishly.

"I figured you could use some good luck, so I brought my friends to a game," He replies. You smile, before meeting the face of Black Widow.

"Go kick some butts, l/n" She encourages, smiling.

"You'll do awesome," Scarlet Witch says.

"Thanks, I have to go Sammie. Thanks for coming," You say, before running off to join the team.

"I can see why you like her," Natasha smirks.

"Shut up," Sam groans, before walking back to the seats.

" Sam and Y/n. Sitting in a Tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Sammie with the baby carriage," Natasha and Wanda shout, half singing.

"Shut up,"

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