My Angel

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This was a request from samantha2001wwe. I had some requests come in. I'm still taking them, but try to send it to my inbox. It helps with organization.

This is pre-infinity war because err...I want it to be? Also, some mentions of gore and SADNESS

There were three things in life that made Tony Stark's heart splinter into multiple fragments. The first was being told by his now legal guardian Edwin Jarvis that his parents had been killed in a freak car accident when they were traveling to the Pentagon. The second was something that only Tony knew and he was going to keep it that way. The third time that Tony's heart was crushed was when his daughter had sided with Captain America when the fighting broke out.

At first, he couldn't believe it. What father would? His daughter had been the only thing that had kept him stable and suddenly Steve had ripped her from his grasp. Tony knew that he shouldn't have let the super soldier ever meet his daughter. He should have made sure that Steve hadn't walked into the Tower on the only day that his daughter was there.

It was only supposed to be a quick checkup. His daughter -from one of his multiple playboy flings- had been born the daughter of a human-angel hybrid. Apparently, the angel genes had skipped a generation. Tony had found the girl laying on his doorstep with a note saying that she was his responsibility and her mother had vanished into thin air.

Anyways, Tony was supposed to have been fixing the armor that he had personally crafted to fit the delicate details of his daughter's feathery wings. She had claimed that the chinks in the armor had caught on one of her feather causing it to pluck out of her skin. Tony had known that the armor was going to take more than an hour to fix, so he had sent her out to go watch television or something along those lines.

What he hadn't known at the time, was that she accidentally stumbled her way into Roger's life and wasn't going to come out any time soon. He had never seen her in love the way she loved the 40's man. That's why it hurt so much when she sided with Steve instead of her own father.

Tony wanted to blame the super soldier. He really did. But there was more to it than blame. There was so much more to it.

"Just come home," Tony begged his daughter as she walked up beside her boyfriend.

She was wearing her traditional armor which was a vibranium chest plate and corset with a leather miniskirt that allowed her to stay covered while still having mobility. Gladiator style sandals crossed over her lower legs and a battle ax -a birthday present from Thor- hung around her waist. She demanded respect.

"You know I can't" She replied, looking down at her weapon of choice.

It had been blessed with runes and other sorcery by a friend, aka Loki, and was supposed to never kill but injure enough so that the enemy would stay down. She never thought she would have to use it against any of her family, especially not her father.

"Y/n" Bucky murmured. She turned to him. He was staring at the cement, not saying a word.

"No, no no." She walked over to the former assassin and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her, unshed tears in his eyelashes.

"I don't want to tear you apart," He whispers, shaking his head. At that moment, she knew that this man was innocent. He couldn't be able to bomb a UN building. He could barely stand a small disagreement with anyone. The guilt the man must be feeling was aa more than enough punishment for anything he might have done.

"Hey, it's not going to tear us apart. It's just a little argument. Right, Tony?" She said, turning to where Tony once had been. But he wasn't there.

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