I see the Assassins have failed-Final Part

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You wake up in Apollo's medical Center, not that you've been here before, he just has it in bold letters. You groan and stand up, noticing that you feel much better. You duck off your toga and make your way to the dining center. The loud conversations stop as soon as you walk in, as all eyes turn toward you. You give a small wave, and the conversations started again. You grab a small portion as ambrosia and a glass of nectar. 

All of the goddesses wave you over to their table, well all except for Aphrodite who looks frustrated. You sit down next to Demeter, her blond hair covered in different flowers. You smile down at your food then look up noticing all the goddesses staring at you.

"What? Is there something wrong?" You ask. Most shake their head smiling at your carelessness.

"You're smiling for the first time without anyone saying anything. Your whole demeanor changed. Does it have something to deal with them?" Psyche told her pointing at the Asgardian Princes. 

"No," she gives you a suspicious look,"Maybe?.... Alright fine, yes it does have to deal with him." All of the girls squeal loudly causing the Olympian men to groan and shake their head. You put your head on the table and sigh, "Just don't tell anyone this, especially not Loki". You raise your head to find Psyche staring wide-eyed at the space above your head.

"Don't tell me what, My Lady?" Loki says breathlessly on your neck. You shiver involuntarily and blush beet red, "I hope it's all good things"

"How can it not be," You murmur. He rubs your back softly and then continues his way back to the Men's table.

"He's got you wrapped around his finger" Aphrodite points out, smiling evilly. Your blood runs cold, and you look at Artemis who seems to have the same thoughts. 

"I have to go to the bathroom, please excuse me." You say as you run to the restroom. Momentarily, Artemis along with Psyche joins you in the room. 

"Did you see the look that Aphrodite was giving you, Athena?" Artemis asked.

"It was the same look that Ares was giving her when she said it wouldn't be smart to engage in the war with Asgard." Psyche pointed out. 

"So basically it deals with my emotional connection to the prince and war with Asgard." We all nod, "What if they murder the princes, leaving me emotionally compromised and the Avengers without Thor? That would also mean that if it was committed by one of the Olympian council members, Asgard would be angered and we would be defeated...." you suggested

"Leaving Aphrodite and Ares in power" Artemis finishes.

"How do we know who is planning the attack?"Psyche asks

"So far we only know that the Princes, us, Zeus and Hera are safe" You reply.

"Zeus and Hera?" Artemis questions

"Yeah, they have no means to gain. They already rule the universe, so they can't get any more." You tell them

"Okay, so we need to alert those in danger. I will alert the King and Queen, you and Psyche tell the princes" Artemis says. You all nod, shortly running off after to alert the princes.

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You grab Loki by arm and bring him to your room, tossing him on the bed. He groans a bit rubbing his shoulder. Was it the smartest idea to throw him on the bed? No, but it was revenge for making you shiver, so you were fine with it.

"If you really wanted to have sex, you could have just asked" He smirks as you roll your eyes at your stupid friend.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, and focus. You are in danger, my prince, and you need to leave Olympus." You respond. He raises an eyebrow at you.

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