Fan Base

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A/n: This a request from Cjtheaphmaushipper. Thanks for the inspiration. Enjoy!

When you first met Loki, there was an instant connection. The both of you loved to pranked the Avengers. You both had the same power that you use to concoct some of the greatest pranks ever. You had a whole fan base dedicated to shipping the both of you, which sometimes got out of hand but you loved it. In all, Loki and you were partners in crimes.

"What are you thinking?" Loki asks as you toss a bottle cap up and catch it with your left hand. 

"Nothing really," You say as you toss the cap up again. This time as it falls back down, it changes into a frog. You scream as it lands on your lap before changing back into the bottle cap.

"You just got-" Loki starts with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Don't you say it," You warn jabbing a finger into his chest. He looks down, before glancing at you with a gigantic smirk painted on his lips.

"Loki'd," He laughs, pushing your finger away. You grab the pillow off the couch and start hitting his chest multiple times.

"Yield!" You scream, hitting his face this time. You get a muffled response so you bring the pillow away from his face. He looks at the ground before darting off the couch.

"Never," He responds as he runs down the hall. 

You groan before teleporting in front of him and pinning him to the floor. You hold his arms down, smiling confidently. You don't notice the footsteps behind you until the person begins to talk.

"Did we interrupt something?" Tony asks. You quickly jump off of Loki and brush the invisible dirt off your legs. 

"Yes," Loki responds getting off the floor.

"No, you didn't," You say, glaring daggers at the god, "So what's up, Tony?"

"Nothing too big. I just thought you might want to see this," He replies, handing you a tablet. 

You take it and look. On the screen was just another fan page. You hold the tablet out for Tony who doesn't take it.

"I don't see the problem," You say, "It's just another fan page,"

"Scroll down," Tony commands, "There are some things on there that shouldn't be,"

You look at the tablet again and see pictures of you and Loki that someone took. There were some with you at the park. Other showed the both of you eating food alone or with the rest of the Avengers. You passed the tablet to Loki who simply raised an eyebrow.

"Who took these pictures?" You asked, uneasily.

"I don't know. Even though most of the Avengers ship you guys, I don't think that they would do that. It's kinda creepy," Tony says,

"Please tell me you have an address on where these photos are being posted," You beg.

Loki wraps an arm around you reassuringly. You smile warmly at him to which Tony mutters something along the lines of 'and this is why they aren't just friends'. You look back at Tony expectantly. He nods as shows you the address he pinpointed. 

"177A Bleecker Street..." You trail off, confused.

"That's strange," Loki mutters, annoyed.

"I know, that's such a random street," You state.

"No not that strange. Strange as in Dr. Strange. That's where he lives," Loki explains.

"How do you know that?" Tony asks him.

"It's time we pay my least favorite doctor a visit," Loki grumbles before teleporting you both away.

*                                                                                                  *                                                                          *

"Loki Laufeyson, what now? Come to trap your poor girlfriend in Norway this time?" Strange says, looking down at you.

"Oh no, we aren't dating," You blurt out, before shyly tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.

"So you found out the fan account, traced it back to me, and now you're here?" He asks inviting you in.

"Precisely, now I'm wondering why the photos? What are you aiming at?" Loki glares at the sorcerer.

"Come on Laufeyson, you actually think that account was real? It was a simple spell really, a few hand movements and suddenly you get an enchanted tablet." Strange points out while pulling out a book from his bookshelf.

"Why did you do it though? You seem like a pretty reasonable guy-err- doctor," You ask looking towards the man.

"Loki knows exactly why," He says in a sing-song voice while continuing to flip through pages.

"Loki?" You ask, turning to him. Loki looks down at you, a faded pink on his cheeks.

"There's got to be another way Strange," He growls, taking out his daggers.

"Nope, just do it," Strange waves a hand, making Loki's daggers disappear,

"Do what? Loki, what's going on?" You ask terrified at what Loki is hiding from you.

"I can't do it," He mutters under his breath. He places his hands on his hand and squeezes his eyes shut.

"What's going on? Strange, what are you doing?" You say. He closes his book and turns to you.

"Loki is having an internal battle with both sides of his brain. It's a simple choice: Do or don't," He says, approaching you. 

"How can I help him?"

"Tell him your deepest darkest secret, " Strange says shrugging, "That should do the trick,"

You nod solemnly, before walking over to your best friends. You put your hands on either side of his face.

"Loki, look at me please," You command. He opens his eyes to meet yours. You could see the inner turmoils swirling around in his eyes.

"I really like you," You say, brushing a stray tear from his cheeks.

"I really like you too," He replies, taking a sharp breath in. His hands clench around his face.

"No, I like you beyond the point of friends," You say, shutting your eyes quickly. You feel the pain from his body quickly leave. You open your eyes to see him smiling warmly at you.

"I like you that way too," He says wrapping his hands around your cheeks.

The two of you lean in but are stopped by the Sorcerer yelling.

"Nope, not in the monastery," He screeches before creating a portal under your feet. The two of you shriek as you fall face first into the living room of Avengers Tower, landing directly on Tony's chest. 

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