Lady Macbeth and the troubles that come with her

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A/n: Saw Infinity War. My soul has officially broken. I will not be adding anything that is dealing with 'that' until Friday of this week. Yeah...Enjoy I guess?

You had never led the fairy tale lifestyle. You grew up alone on the streets in California. Your mother vanished off the face of the Earth. You father had died a while ago. The only hope you had in your life was your alter ego. In the day, you were Y/n L/n, regular citizen. At night, you turned into Lady Macbeth, the crime-fighting vigilante who liked to mess with the Avengers.

You always liked to remain by yourself as you watched the streets. Once and a while, you would help Spiderman, but that disappeared as soon as he became an Avenger. To make sure people didn't suspect you, as a superhero you only spoke in Shakespeare Quotes. You loved to add a bit of flair to your actions. In all, being a superhero was the best thing that happened to you.

Today, you were supposed to be stopping a trade of illegal weapons. You were also supposed to be working on your suit. Since only one of those could happen tonight, you decided to wear your old costume. It was just a pair of black leggings and a blue top, but it was all you needed. Your weapon was your brain. You could see how your actions affected the near future, so you knew that it didn't matter which costume you wore.

"You speak an infinite deal of nothing." You said interrupting the deal. Both henchmen smiled grimly at you, making shivers run up your spine.

"Why isn't Lady Macbeth? What are you going to do, bore me to death?" Henchmen one said. Let's name him...Larry for short.

" What's in a name?" You say quoting Romeo and Juliet, " A man can die but once"

"Look Lady Macbeth, we don't want to hurt you, but we will if it comes down to it. Now..." Henchmen two said. Let's name him...Billy.

" Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest, lend less than thou owest?" You said referring to the bag of ammunition sitting on a bench.

"That's it," Larry said aiming his gun towards you. You saw a white substance grab the gun and yank it from Larry's grasp.

"Hey Lady Macbeth," Spiderman says waving at you, "What are you doing here?"

"Whirligig of time brings in his revenges," You say, punching Billy in the face.

"Why does she talk weird?" A man, Iron man, says.

"She only talks in Shakespeare quotes. It's to protect her identity."

"These words are razors to my wounded heart," You said pretending to be offended, " Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't"

"Really, How so?" Ironman retorts.

"Men of few words are the best men" You grumble, punching Larry in the face, making him pass out.

"Wow. You are just so mean." He responds, shooting Billy with a plasma beam.

"The common curse of mankind - folly, and ignorance" You roll your eyes, throwing the bag of illegal weapons at Spiderman who caught it.

"Are you going?" He asks handing the bag to Ironman. You nod.

"Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." You bow dramatically and practically disappear into the shadows.

"You know what kid?" Tony says.

"What?" Peter asks.

"I am going to find out who she is..."

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It had been a week since you had seen the Friendly neighborhood Spiderman. It wasn't that you didn't miss him. No, missing would imply that you liked him. You simply enjoyed his presence. 

You watched as the lights turned green, and the cars moved into the distance. It was a slow day, but you didn't mind. Slow days meant the people were safe. You watched as the light turned red again. You felt eyes on your back, so you turned.

There you saw a sheepish spiderman and the whole Avenger team.

"Sorry..." He said looking down. 

"Look kid. This has been going on for far too long. We have cameras showing that you are hurting people."

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose," You say narrowing your eyes at the team.

"We don't want to hurt you, we just want to talk." The Captian says taking off his shield and laying it on the ground.

"I like not fair terms and a villain's mind," You say taking a step back.

"What did she say, kid?" Tony says looking at Peter.

"She doesn't trust you," He says, and you hum in agreement.

"We aren't going to hurt you, and I doubt you'll hurt us," Natasha says.

"Doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing," You say.

"Now in English," Tony says.

" I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness," You say. Tony raises an eyebrow and you groan in frustration.

"Puto Vos Esse Molestissimos" You grumble, "I speak English, moron. I just like theatrics better. Helps me to see your IQ level" 

"whoa, You have a Boston Accent," Peter says his eyes widening.

"No, it's British," You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes, "Can you just leave me alone?"

"Let me think about this...No, absolutely not. You're a vigilante. How do we know you aren't going to turn bad."

"The only difference between superheroes and Vigilantes is the methods they use. I'm not going to go all insane and turn into the Joker. The only reason you actually care is that of Parker here" You glare daggers at him.

"Look y/n, I can explain..." He starts.

"It's too late for that Parker. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to watch over the city that you guys forgot about." You say turning to leave.

"y/n! Wait!" He says grabbing your arm. You yank it back from his grip.

"Odio toti mea. Spero vos felices fecerunt." You say before jumping off the building, only to disappear into the shadows again.

Natasha started to laugh, hard.

"What did she say?" Peter asked her.

"So first, she called Tony a Moron, and then she told you to screw over." 

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