Queen of All Things 2

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A/N: Part2!!!

It had been three days since y/n had to deal with the argument between Steve and His father. Sure, they all sat down together at the dinner table and for tea, but it didn't make it any less awkward. To a certain extent, she could relate to Steve.

He was being forced into the same situation that she was. He didn't exactly look too excited about it either. The only difference was that she was better at hiding it. Steve would ignore her at every chance he could. When she was riding outside, he would be inside reading books. When she went to his room to see if he wanted to take a trip to the outskirts of the kingdom, he would always give a lame excuse of having to do some noble work.

What made the situation even worse was that they were supposed to marry each other that day. She had been given a wedding dress the night before and even though it fit properly, it wasn't her style. It was too formfitting. Too well sexy for her taste. She didn't exactly do sexy and tight. She wanted something that looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. And the dress just wasn't it.

When the dreaded day finally arrived, she expected Steve to at least care about the way she looked. But he didn't. In fact, he avoided her more today than any other day she had been at the palace.

"Bucky, I'm freaking out," She told her new friend as she paced back and forth. Bucky sighed. You had been walking back and forth for the last hour. Bucky seriously thought you were about to have a heart attack or something.

"Y/n, I know that Steve avoids you and all that, but maybe he's just trying to impose on your privacy," He suggests adjusting his royal uniform.

"Well he's doing a pretty awful job at that isn't he?" You turned around and grabbed the bouquet of flowers that was laying there on your bed. Bucky was quick to pull them out of your reach. You frown at him, placing your hands on your hips.

"I never said he wasn't, but maybe you should give him a chance. After all, you're in this for life, remember?" He reminds her, handing her the lilacs that you had handpicked from the royal garden.

"In sickness and in health," she told herself, "Till death do us part"


"Prince Rogers," The Priest announced, "Your wedding vow,"

Steve looked at her, probably annoyed. She couldn't really tell. He turned to Sam, whispering something into his ear. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. Steve grabbed the paper and quickly unfolded it.

"Y/n, I know we barely met and I know that you probably hate me for acting like a complete idiot. I didn't know how best to approach you and so I just decided that maybe if I ignored you that you would just float away like a dream. That's what you are to me: A dream. One so pleasant and kind that I would rather avoid you than go near you in fear of you fading away. I know that we don't know you but I can tell you some things that you barely know about yourself,"

Y/n glanced over at Bucky who was shrugging.

"You love chocolate, but only by your chefs at home. You feel lonely so you escape into your books. Your favorite book is The Hobbit because at times you identify with Bilbo Baggins." Steve continues, "You think that everything you do makes a difference on someone, so you always treat them with kindness. And more than anything, you are afraid you'll never find your happily ever after. Well, doll, I can't promise you that you'll always have a smile on your cheeks or a twinkle in your eye, but I can say that if you love me, you'll find your fairytale ending as unconventional as it may be,"

Y/n tried to keep a smile off her face, but she just couldn't no matter how much she tried to. This man stared at her, not with disgust, but with so much adoration and respect. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all.


"I'm not having sex with you," Y/n said as she walks into their new bedroom, which looked similar to her old one. Steve ran in front of y/n and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"Who said you had to?" Steve asked, his blue eyes boring into her face. She glanced down at the floor, a light blush dusting her cheeks. He took Y/n's chin in his fingers and tilted it towards him. He didn't look disgusted with her, just confused.

"Isn't that what you princes do," She looks in his eyes. His shoulders slumped as he looked away.

"We aren't all the same," He mumbled, walking towards the door. A pang of guilt flooded her body. She had just assumed he was like everyone else.

"Wait," She whisper. Somehow he must have heard because he paused at the door.

"Please don't go," She looked at him, trying to stop him from leaving. He nodded and sat on the bed leaving a generous amount of space between them. His hand slowly wrapped around hers, loose enough so that she could easily pull away. But she didn't. Instead, she scooted next to him so that she could lean her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you had to see my father and I fight," He mumbled, rubbing her hand gently. She just shrugged, turning her head up at him.

"Probably won't be the most awkward thing I'll experience, what with the paparazzi and whatnot,"

He laughed lightly at her joke. When he turned down to study her face, she took the opportunity to peck his left cheek. He blushed slightly as she moved away.

"What are you doing?" He asked as she walked toward the mirror. She turned around to look at him saying,

"We have to get in bed sometime, and I'll definitely not wearing this ugly piece to sleep."

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