Well Just fill me in already

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A/n: I'm freaking sick. YAY. Can you sense the sarcasm in that? This a request from my favorite gay: OuterspaceSebby : ) Anyone that requested something will most likely get it published today because why not. 

It was about one in the morning when the screaming started. It was like this every morning. You would go asleep at nine, then wake up around one to Bucky screaming. You would then calming him down until the both of you fell asleep.

You burst into his room to see him panting, eyes wide open. You walk over to his side of the bed and draw him into your arms. He looks up at you, hugging you tightly.

"You okay, Buck?" You ask, your deep voice soothing him.

"Yeah," he whispers.

"Do you want to walk about it?" 


"Are you only going to say one worded answers?" You ask him, smiling.

"Haha, very funny," He says pushing off you. You lay down next to him, as he stares at you.

"What?" You ask.

"You took my spot, dude" He points out, "Move" 

"Nah, I...I am really tired" You say before closing your eyes and pretending to be asleep. You feel him slowly push you. You don't realize that he pushed you off until you land on the floor with a BAM.

"James Barnes, you will pay," You say grabbing a pillow and wack him in the chest.

He grabs a pillow and starts to wack you. You go back and forth for a while before you hear snickers from the doorway. You turn and look to see who it was. Leaning on the door was Sam, Nat, and Steve. Sam waves before running away. 

Bucky gets up and runs after him. Steve gives you a look before running after Bucky. Natasha just stays and stares at you.

"What do you want Nat?" You ask after a minute.

"What do you want Nat?" She says mimicking your voice, "How do you not see it?"

"See what?" 

"He likes you, you delusional person," She says taking a step towards you.

"He doesn't" you point out.

"You literally wear each other's clothes." She says.

"So?" You ask.

"Ask him out already" She yells.

"You sound like Liana" You groan.

"Ask who out?" Bucky says from the doorway.

"No one," You say.

"You," Natasha says 

He raises an eyebrow and you groan into the pillow. He says something to Nat before she walks away. He lays down next to you, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"We are going to Brooklyn in the Morning," he says 

"Why would we do that?" You ask from under the pillow.

"Cause it's a date," He says before pushing you off the bed.

"BUCKY!" You yell from the floor.

"Night, l/n," He says before going to sleep.

"Bucky!" You say again softer.

"I'm sleeping, y/n, Shhhhh" He grumbles.

"You don't talk in your sleep," You say pushing him off.

"Y/N!" He yells. 

"I'm sleeping, Bucky, shhhhhh," You say.


"That's disgusting," You yell back.

You help Bucky get back into bed before the two of you fall asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

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