Color Blind

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A/N: Fun Fact: I'm color blind...yay. So this is based off how I see things and the experience that I go through. If I say something that might contradict with things you've heard, it's because it's my experience. The type that I have isn't bad, I just struggle with seeing different shades of tan and green. Other than that my vision is 20 20.

You were sitting down in the meeting room surrounded by the Avengers, waiting for Fury to come. He had said it was an important mission, so you couldn't quite avoid it. Your boyfriend, Clint, was sitting next to you resting a hand on your knee. Soon enough, Fury walked in and handed folders to each of you with the information you would need.

"This just looks like a regular mission," Tony pointed out, flipping through the sheets of paper. You opened your folder to see that you had a highlighted note at the top. You read it, nodding in agreement. When Clint went to check your folder out, you slammed it shut and walked to Fury.

"Can I help you, y/n?" He asked. You nodded and motioned to the door. Fury walked out with you behind him, leaving the Avengers clueless.

"With all due respect sir, I don't think that I should go," You began. You looked at the floor before looking back at Fury.

"Why not?" He questioned, "You're one of my top agents, so why wouldn't you go?"

"This is a color detailed mission sir," You pointed out, "so I really don't think it's a smart idea to send a color-blind agent,"

Fury sighed, looking at the ceiling, before turning back to you. He nodded as you studied his face. He looked slightly disappointed, but also understanding. He had lost his perfect eyesight a while ago, so he understood what it was like to have a vision disability.

"You are dismissed Agent l/n," he said walking back to the room. You nodded and began to walk back to the tower. Suddenly you were stopped by a hand clenching down on your wrist.

"What's going on?" Clint asked once you turned around. You sighed, trying to release your hand from his grip.

"Nothing, Clint," you denied shaking your head slightly. Clint's face fell into a deep frown, lines etching into his forehead as he stared at you.

"You're lying to me," he growled.

"Agent Barton, get back in here now," Fury demanded, stepping outside the doorway. Clint looked at you before walking away frustrated. Once the door closed, you resumed walking back to the tower.

*                                                                                         *                                                                             *

"Trouble in Paradise?" Tony asked as you stood in his lab watching him work. You walked over to the window that overlooked Manhattan before turning back to Tony.

"I guess," You murmured vaguely. You picked up a tool that kinda resembled a needle before slightly jabbing it into Tony. A flicker of electricity zapped Tony making his hair stick up in different directions.

"What's going on?" Bruce asked while mixing two chemicals. The chemicals fizzed together before turning purple. You watched as it bubbled slightly before exploding all over his chest, causing his jacket to be stained purple.

"You know my medical condition," You say taking a jacket off a coat hanger. You gave it to Bruce who had taken off the purple one. 

"You have a medical crisis?" Tony asked intrigued. You turned to him to see that he had set down his tools to listen to your conversation.

"I'm color blind, so it's not really a crisis. Anyways, you know how I'm color blind?" You explained to Tony.

"Yeah," Bruce agreed, shrugging on the new lab coat. You turned back to Bruce and handed him his goggles.

"Well on that mission that Fury sent you guys on, I told him that I couldn't go because it was a color sensitive one. It just wouldn't make sense," You admitted.

"What color is that?" Tony asked pointing to a red sign on his wall. You shook your head, annoyed.

"She can see color, it's just differentiating shades," Bruce told him, "So Clint got mad that you didn't tell him?" Bruce said mixing two different chemicals.

"Yeah," you affirmed, "Now, he won't talk to me,"

"Why don't you just tell him what's wrong?" Tony suggested, picking back up his tools.

"I don't want him to look at me any differently," you sighed, rubbing your head, "It's not something that can just go away,"

Tony set down his tools to walk over to you. He put a hand on your shoulder before saying,

"You do realize that he has hearing aids, right?"

You turned to him in astonishment.

"What? He never told me" You told Tony who was shaking his head laughing. He guided you to Clint's room before leaving you to talk to him. You knocked on the door twice, but no one answered. You quietly opened the door to see him sitting in your favorite chair staring out into the skyline.

"Clint? Can we talk?" You whisper, slowly approaching him.

"What's there to talk about? You're keeping secrets from me. I thought we didn't those types of things." He spat.

"What if I want to talk to you about it?" You asked kneeling next to the chair. You laid your head on his arm gently so that he could always shake you away.

"What's going on?" He asked turning to you, "You never turn down a mission, especially when it's important. I thought we could trust each other with our lives,"

"Clint, I'm color blind," You murmur, not looking up at him, "I would have struggled to do anything on that mission. I do trust you, I just didn't want you to look at me any differently because I have this...detriment,"

You feel him take a sharp breath in before he begins to run his hand through your hair. You feel him relax slightly. 

"I would never do that, y/n, but I haven't been exactly honest either." He says.

"I know Clint, Tony told me," You replied. He tilts your head upwards to look at your reaction. You could tell that he was slightly relieved that you knew. 

"You're not mad at me?" He asks, kissing your forehead softly.

"Nope, I understand why you didn't tell me," You say kissing his arm.

"That's so sweet that you gave me a cavity." Tony's voice rang out from the intercom.

Clint looked at you, smirking.

"I think Tony wants to see the new Nerf guns that we got." He announces, handing you an orange Nerf gun.

"We should go show him," You suggest as he takes his from his bedside.

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