The Tiny Bookshop

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A/n: Should there be a Bon Jovi Girl Part Three?

There on the corner of Lexington and 59th street sat a tiny quaint bookstore. Its brick foundation was slowly crumbling. It's faded sign reminded people that this bookshop had been there longer than they had. It was old and faded, like time, but that didn't matter. All the mattered was finding the next book to get transported into.

You weren't exactly human. Well, that's an understatement. You weren't human at all. You were a fae, daughter of Oberon and Titania. If those names sound familiar, then you are on to something. Your parents were one of the characters that William Shakespeare wrote with. It explains why you were so short. You were 5 foot exactly. 

Every day you would come to this little old bookshop, go downstairs and teleport into one of your favorite book series: Sherlock Holmes. Although the two of you solved crimes together, you were never mentioned. You couldn't be because that would mess up the story plot lines. You were good friends with the detective, and today he had invited you to a cup of tea and crumpets.

"I'm going to go to Holmes's house," You told Puck, a good friend of your father. At first, you hadn't liked the fae, but once he revealed that he was the cause of mischief in your daily life you had grown to like him as a friend. 

"Just be back before your mother sees what you're doing" HE responds helping check out a reader.

"Okay," You said before running down the stairs that lead to the basement. You pulled out a worn leather book with a gold ribbon that served as a bookmark. You brushed your hands over the cover, imagining Holmes's house. You felt yourself slowly fade. You were about to completely fade when a strong hand landed on your shoulder.

You open your eyes to see a man with sharp brown eyes and rustled brown hair staring at you. You screamed and brushed his hand off your shoulder. He, in response, screamed. Loud footsteps thumped down as a group of people ran down the stairs.

"My lady," Puck said panting, "What is going on?"

"He touched me. That mortal interrupted my fazing" You said with wide eyes

"Excuse me?" The man said. He walked closer to you and glared.

"Tony, stand down," An authoritative voice said.

"No way. She is arrogant, a so-called "deity". Well, guess what lady? I don't care who you are" He replied.

"Puck," You said calmly, "Please William Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream

He quickly jogged up the stairs, coming back a minute later with the book you requested. You grabbed it, and you quickly flipped through to the last pages. You held it out to the man.

"This is my father, and this is my mother." You said.

"Your father is Oar...Oarberon?" 

"It's Oberon." A shy man pointed out.

"It doesn't matter, Banner. She is obviously delusional." The man replied. You let out a frustrated sigh and moved your hands in a circle. A twinkle of lights surrounded you and swirling around you, they grew slightly brighter. You felt yourself lift from the earth. When you finally landed, you were in your court dress. Your Mint green wings fluttered softly behind you.

A person while blond hair immediately bowed in your respect. The rest were in awe of what they were seeing.

"My name is Princess y/n Shadowrose. I am the daughter of Oberon and Titania Shadowrose" You announced, "This is my friend Puck Shadow. You may rise, Prince Thor, I graciously thank you for having the common sense of kneeling while your friends didn't"

You felt a slight prick on your wings, making you extend them to their full extent. You turned to see the dark haired man studying your wings. You looked at him and raised a hand. Suddenly the lights that once had surrounded you were surrounding him.

"Put me down! Put me down!" He screamed kicking.

"It is useless to fight the fae" Puck says laughing as the man struggled. You turned your hand slightly so that he was parallel to the ground. He let out a high pitch scream, and you turned him again. This time his head was almost touching the ground. You laughed as he screams once again. 

You felt a coolness touch your head to see a woman pointing a gun right at your forehead. You grabbed the gun from her hand. You then brought her legs out from under her, making her fall. You then pressed a foot to her chest and slowly increased the pressure on her.

"Stupid girl. Who do you think you are messing with?" You raised your hand and let the man drop to his bottom. You made the gun hover over her head, making her uneasy. You watched as she squirmed for a bit, before crushing the gun like someone would crush a soda can. 

"Stupid Girl, I am a War goddess. You are just a good fighter in comparison to me." You stepped off her and offered her your hand, pulling her up, "You are a stupid girl, but that doesn't mean you will always be one" 

"My princess, you do not mean to give her your..." Puck said.

"Puck, My pistol," You said. Sighing he walked up the stairs. When he returned he was carrying a small wooden box. You opened it and showed it to the woman. Inside was a small emerald green pistol. She picked it up.

"It is evenly weighted on both sides and can split into to different handguns. It will always return to your hand when you summon it. It is like Mjolner but in a more...female aspects." You told her.

"I can't take this," She said giving it back to you.

"You can and you will," You said giving her a smile which she returned. 

"Why does she get a present?" The man complained.

"Okay, since you challenge my will, I will grant you a gift. A gift of seven years bad luck" You smiled as the man groaned.

"I kid," You say, "Your gift will be the pardon of your mistakes."

"At least it's better than bad luck" He shrugs.

"Now leave my presence, I have tea with Sherlock and I don't like to be late."

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