Burn it down to Ashes

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A/n: This is the second part of Phoenix. I might make this into a three-part series.

"What do you think?" Meghan's voice asks from your earpiece. You were in the middle of a mission as Phoenix. So far, you hadn't seen anything, but that was about to change. You jumped to the next building and saw a man, Grevilian Prucha, grab a young woman by the wrist. She screamed an tried to pull away, but he threw her to the ground.

You quickly jumped off the building, landing on the bottom of the fire escape. You draw your bow, aiming it for Prucha's left arm. You released the bowstring, sending the arrow flying through the air. It pierced his left arm and clung to the wall. You jumped down from the fire escape and turned on your voice changer.

"Grevilian Prucha, you are an instrument of evil. What reasoning do you give?" You asked in an altered voice. 

"You wouldn't hurt me," He replies, smirking. You draw your bow again, this time aiming for his head.

"PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON," A man yelled, stopping you from firing the arrow. You turned around to see familiar flashing lights and sirens.

"The police," You said under your breath.

"DROP THE BOW!" The man yelled again, stepping out of the car. He aimed his gun towards you. You slowly set down the bow and raised your hands up above your head.

"What are you doing?" Meghan questioned. 

"It's the police, and they have me at gunpoint. I kinda don't want to get shot today,"You sassed quietly. You heard her sigh, but she didn't say anything else. You looked up at the moon, as the police slowly approached you. You thought you saw a glimmer of a shadow, but nothing appeared.

You looked towards the police officer who was five feet away from you. He was about to pick up your bow, but you took an arrow from your quiver and pointed it towards his heart.

"I don't need a bow to hurt you," You pointed out, flipping the arrow in a circle.

"Stop," A voice commanded from the rafters. The police officer stopped moving as someone jumped down from the fire escape. The person walked and stood in front of you, allowing you a good view of his back. Part of the sleeve on his left arm was missing from the shoulder down. Instead, there was a glimmering metallic arm.

"What are you doing?" The officer asked, frightened. The man picks up the down, handing it back to you. You could see the stern look on his face, and you knew that he wasn't to be messed with.

"She is under my protection," He replies, "Sorry about the mistake officer,"

"It's my fault, Sergeant Barnes. I'll be going now," The officer stutters as he walks back to his patrol car and drives away. You begin to walk away before the man grabs your arm, dragging you back to where you were standing. 

"You're not going anywhere fast," He says, looking sharply at you.

"What do you think you are doing?" You say trying to yank his arm from his tight grasp.

"I'm taking you back to the base. Oh, by the way, nice voice changer," He remarks, before hitting you in the back of the head. You fall to your knees before fading out into unconsciousness.

*                                                                                      *                                                                         *

You groan as you open your eyes to the brightest lights shining in your face. You try to rub your eyes, but they seemed to be tied down. You blink finally clearing up the blurriness. You look around to see that nothing other than your mask had been removed. 

"Nice to see you're up, Miss l/n," Stark's annoying voice came from the edge of the table. You look towards him, and you glare daggers.

"Not going to reply?" He says standing up. He walks toward you, placing a tablet in front of you.

"You are facing charges of acting as a vigilante, taking people hostages, criminal threats, and about twenty more. You have two options," He says, grabbing the tablet and scrolling down, "You could either join us or go to jail,"

"You think I want to join you?" You ask, "You kidnap me, accuse me of beings criminal, and then act like I want to join your party of superheroes?"

"I'll take that as a yes," He says, releasing your hands, "training starts in thirty minutes, don't be later"

You sigh rubbing the chaffed skin of your wrists.  You then turn towards the pile contained your quiver, bow, and mask. You notice that they hadn't taken out the earpiece which meant...

"Meghan, can you hear me?" You ask softly.

"Loud and clear. I recorded the exchange between you and Stark. What's the next step?" SHe replies, making you smile widely.

"Send the last part of it to the police. Let's give the Avenger's a little scare, shall we?" You say, shrugging the quiver over your shoulders.

"Do you want me to delete the footage and audio from Stark's robot?" Meghan replies

"What do you think?" You retort, grabbing your bow.

"Good luck in there. Hopefully, they don't beat you up too bad," Meghan wishes. You take the earpiece out and smash it under your foot so that no one knows you actually had one on. You then make your way to the training room to go beat some Avengers.

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