The Great Steve Rogers

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A/N: Just a request from RadioGirl06. Remember that you are always allowed to request something. Just drop it in my inbox. Happy Holidays. 

You were done. Plain and simple. You were done with your family. Your friends. Your job. Your life had become one of secrecy and hardships instead of happiness and peace of mind. You should have known it was going to end up like this. After all, your life never had a happy beginning or middle.

Your parents disliked -no- despised your new job. They wanted you to stay home, marry a perfect boy, and have multitudes upon multitudes of children. But, and this is where your story took a cliche twist, you ended up rebelling. You pack your bags, flew to New York City, and started a new life there. Only, it hadn't turned out to be all glitz and glamor like you had secretly hoped that it would be.

When you first arrived, you were packed into the subway with hundreds of other people like sardines. When you stepped out of the subway, you managed to get the heel of your shoes stuck in the tiny gap between the subway car and the stop. As much as you tried to yank it out, the heel wouldn't give way, yet as soon as the car moved on, you were able to pull it out.

You finally got to your apartment in Brooklyn that you had purchased off of a website. It looked nice and pristine form the outside, but as you soon realized the inside was much worse. Cockroaches scurried out the walls in little brown swarms. A rat ran back and forth along the rotting hardwood floors. Mysterious odors floated through the air. You shut the door as quickly as you opened it and slumped onto the ground.

Pulling your knees tight to your chest, you rocked yourself back and forth. Your day had been terrible. You should have just stayed at home with your parents. Maybe they were right. You would amount to nothing, just like your parents had told you.

"Excuse me miss,"

You looked up. An elderly man was trying to approach you, but he couldn't. Not with the aquamarine mist that was swirling around your hands, and legs. You shrieked, trying to remove it from your site. The old man muttered a few words under his breath before reaching through a tiny patch of clean air. He touched your shoulder and the mist disappeared.

"What was that?" You cried, glancing up at the old man. He shrugged before guiding you to his apartment. When the man opened the door, you saw, to your surprise, a little studio looking apartment. You wondered about, taking in all the apartment had. Posters of some of the most famous heroes were stuck on the walls, framed in glass.

"You're a big fan on the Avengers, huh?" You took a glass of water from the man who was filling up a second one. He turned off the water and looked around. He smiled softly before turning back to you.

"Yeah, something like that," He whispered. You glanced at the little coffee table that lay between to couches. A replica of Thor's hammer sat on the table covering a few papers. You sat down on the sofa and turned back to the older man.

"You know, dear, you should think about joining the Avengers," He suggested, sitting down next to you. You sighed, shaking your head. They would never take a freak like you. You didn't even know you had powers until five minutes ago. You would never be able to fit in. You should just go off the grid and live like a hermit. At least your home would be clean.

"You think too much," The man pointed out. You couldn't help but nod slightly.

"My parents would freak if I joined them. Plus I doubt that they'd even take me," You felt the man rest a hand on yours. You were about to say something when a man burst through the door.

"Hey Lee, what's going on?" A man much older than you, but younger than the older man shouted. The man -Lee- stood up and embraced the interrupter.

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