Robin Hood Part two

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It was a week since your run in with The Avengers. You weren't surprised though, you had practically threatened Clint. Something felt off though. Since you had seen him, you had felt something old bubble inside you. Maybe it was the memory of all the times going at night with him and messing with people. You had no idea but didn't want to find out.

You were in the middle of a coffee trip when a scream rang out from the streets. There stood Hex, lifting up a familiar woman, Diana. He threw her against the wall, her body crumpling into a heap of limbs. He slowly turned to you his red eyes staring into the depths of your soul. You reach for your bow and arrow, pulling out one that carries water.

"Well, look who it is? Y/n come back for another scar I see." Hex laughs

You scoff, "That was thirteen years ago. I think I've improved since then."

"Prove it" He replies.

You shoot the water arrow at him, only for it to sizzle and melt when it touches him. You rapidly discharge more and more arrows, but they all melt before doing any major impact.

"I see you haven't learned much. Now for that scar." He grins before grabbing your arm. He burns all the skin that he touches. You scream in pain, but no one comes to your rescue. He drags a finger down your leg, pressing deep enough to create a serious burn.

He laughs and releases you, before running into the darkness. You try and patch yourself up, but it doesn't work. You fumble for your quiver before realizing he had burnt it to a crisp. You tried not to cry over a stupid arrow holder, but it wasn't a stupid quiver. Clint had given you it before he left, so it was the one thing you cherished the most. You stumbled a bit, before finally blacking out.

* * *

It had been three months since you had been burned by Hex. After recovering, you hang up your bow. You didn't want the responsibility anymore. You were tired of vigilance, honor, and truth. Why stand by these virtues if no one ever stood by them?

In the time you retired, crime rates had gone through the roof. Hex was still on the run and newer villain had popped up. You worked at a cafe in the day and fought on an underground fight club during the night. You didn't really sleep, but that didn't matter. You new cover name was The Underdog, as you were the newest person there. Slowly you climbed the ranks and finally claimed the title of Queen.

One night after you had just gotten into the arena, you noticed a new challenger. His purple and black clothes should have tipped you off, but for some reason, they didn't. You were wrapping your fists when a hand landed on your shoulder.

"What are doing here y/n?" The person said. His voice was familiar but not ringing any bells.

"Get lost," you say not really wanting to find out who it was.

"Not without you," the man says.

"Too bad, I'm not going anywhere with you."

"How about a bet. I win, you come with me no matter what"

"And if I win, you never talk to me again."

He sighs quietly before reaching out his hand. You shake it quickly, before making any finishing changes. You adjust your mask, a simple purple one, and stand patiently. You watch as the man adjusts his black mask almost identical to yours and then walk over to you. The announcer starts to speak.

"We have Queen," They say pointing to you. The crowd cheers and you can't help but smile. "We have the challenger who goes by Point Blank" The crowd jeers but the man doesn't seem affected by it.

The fight starts and you attack first. You throw a punch which he easily blocks. After a few back and forth punches, he swings you around and flips you on the mat. You flip out of his grasp and try to pin him. Nothing works though, he's just too fast. You can feel your energy draining, and by the thirty-first minute, you don't dodge one of his punches. You put up a bit of a fight before finally getting pinned.

The crowd goes wild as expected, but you just look down. You lost for the first time in a while, but you feel like something was up. He knew your moves too well. You didn't like how this was going, but there was little you could do. A bets a bet.

Once the crowd finally disappears the man walks over to you.

"Ready to go," He asks.

"Nope, but can't really back out. Where are we headed?" You respond.

"Can't really tell you that, sorry. I'm also sorry for this." He says.

"Huh." You say tiredly. He hits you on the back of the head immediately knocking you out.

* * *

You wake up to a purple and black room. It seems like warm apple cider and cinnamon. You're laid on a bed covered in white sheets. You swing your legs over the bed and walk to a nearby bathroom. You look in the mirror to see that your in a large t-shirt and some sweatpants, not your usual style. You figured you'd been kidnapped, it hadn't been your first time.

You walk out the bathroom and into a kitchen. On the counter is your favorite coffee brand. You walk to a nearby coffee machine and make yourself some coffee. You then sit down on a chair and look out a window. You figured you were in Brooklyn or Long Island. You were just staring at the multiple building taps when you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You jumped out of the bar chair and went to reach for an arrow. You realized that you hadn't had your quiver since you had that run in with Hex. You just sank down on the floor and put your head in your hands.

"What's wrong," the man said. You didn't know why you told him anything but he just seemed super nice so you just spilled your life story.

"There's this guy, Clint, and I hadn't seen him for like years. We were really close, but he just ditched me to go chase some dream. So I was helping out one of my close friends and I decided to go take some money for Stark cause he can afford to lose a hundred dollars. I probably wasn't thinking or something, because next thing you know I was to face to face with Clint.

"He just acts like he didn't desert me, and ugh it's so difficult. After I disappeared, I don't know." You say.

"What about your hand, what happened there," he says.

"Hex. I thought I could stop him. He burnt everything Clint gave me to dust. I...I just stopped playing superhero afterward."

"Oh. So, if you could tell something to this Clint guy, what would you say"

"I would say, I love you. I would also ask him why he never came back? Why he just left me in the past?"

"He would probably say He loves you too. He would explain that if he came back, he would have put you in more danger. He would also say that he never left you behind. He isn't perfect like you, but he always kept a special arrow you made him by his bedside. He looks at that stupid arrow every night and thinks of how much he misses you."

"How do you know this?" You look up and see the man looking you, Clint looking at you. His eyes scan yours for any emotion. You break down into tears and sob, "Stop it, stop it with the lies."

"Hey y/n, it's me." He says putting a hand you his heart. "This is real, do you feel this?"

You nod slowly looking at him, still crying.

"This pumps for you, this is where I love you so much it hurts."

You stop crying and look at him, he just stares at you.

"You're real. Oh my god, Clint." You say wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He laughs a bit before hugging you back.

"I love you so much, Clint" you whisper.

"I love you more, y/n, so much more" He whispers back.

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