Romeo and Juliet

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A/n: Second upload today. I know that VanillaHorizon had a request, but my head is killing me so I don't know if I'm going to be able to upload it.  Sorry, but enjoy this is the meanwhile. This was a request from the awesome FallenAngel016

"Y/n" Your father, Tony, yells from his lab. You were working on a project upstairs, but you quickly set it down. You race down the steps and run into his lab. You see a bunch of papers thrown everywhere.

"There you are, Iron Daughter," Your father says wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 

"What's going on?" You ask looking around for a project.

"So you know the nanotechnology we were working with?" He asks leading you to a bench.

"The one that keeps failing?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well it used to. I finally figured it out, see" You watch as his arc reactor releases something that builds a suit around him. Your jaw drops as it then shrinks back into the arc reactor.

"Woah," You say in awe. 

"I know cool right?" He says walking back to his station.

"So cool. Shuri would love to see it" You say, walking back to your room.

"Wait, Shuri as is T'challa's little sister?" He asks stepping in front of you.

"Yes. I don't see how that's a problem" You point out.

"Look, Roger and Barnes are off the grid. No one has seen Barnes in the last two year. I'm not saying he's in Wakanda, but..." He trails off when he sees your face.

"You need to get over him." You grumble, "Yes, he killed my grandparents, but that wasn't his fault. If HYDRA took your designs and used them to kill a bunch of people, you would blame HYDRA. But apparently, since it's a human, it's different? You're lucky Pepper and I weren't here." You march up the stair, slamming your door.

You turn to your project. It wasn't anything huge, but it helped to amplify your powers. It was kinda like Thor's hammer. You didn't need it, but it helped you to control where your power goes. It was shaped like a rose petal. You attached it to behind your ear and facetimed Shuri.

"Hello," she said waving. You could see that she was in her lab working next to a strange man.

"Hey, guess what?" You said excitedly.

"Did you do it?" She asked equally as excited.

"I did it!" You squealed.

"Oh my god, You actually did it." She yelled, "SHE ACTUALLY DID IT"

"What did you do?" The man asks.

"Y/n, this is Agent Ross," Shuri introduces, " Okay, try it out" 

You nodded and began to picture what Shuri's lab looked like. You felt yourself slowly fade and teleport. When you opened your eyes, you were standing next to Shuri and Agent Ross.

"Oh my god, you're here" She screamed, hugging you. Agent Ross looked as if he was going to faint, his face extremely pale.

"We heard yelling" T'challa's voice came from the doorway. You and Shuri let go of each other to see T'challa and Bucky staring at you. You ran to Bucky and hugged him, crying silently.

"Hey, it's okay," He says rubbing your back gently.

"I can't believe your actually here," You say once you've calmed down.

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