Robin Hood (Clint)

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You heard sirens go off in the distance. The bank alarms were blaring as you ran from the scene. You name was Y/n 'Robin Hood' Y/ln. Like the old English tales, you stole from the rich to give to the poor. You were once poor yourself, so you felt like you could relate to them. You touched your face to make sure your mask was still on. It was a feathery black mask that somewhat resembled an owl.
You ran further and further away until you found yourself in downtown Queens. You looked around to find your underground tunnels. You finally found the entrance and hopped down. After traveling three miles, you pulled yourself up the steep ladder. You were in middle town, Queens. You saw the local housing and walked in.
"Hey Max, here's your income." You say tossing a bag to the dark-skinned man sitting on one of the beds.
"Thank you so much. May God bless you forever." He says thankfully. You nod and moved on.
"How're the kids, Rosie," you say to the Hispanic woman playing with her two toddlers.
"Good. Hungry but there's nothing you can really do about that." She replies sadly.
"Oh, actually I can," you say handing a bag of money to her "there's some extra cash for little Mary's birthday" you wink and walk away.
Finally, you see a boy getting gifts, it was little John. You walk over smiling at his mom. He was a child of eight, the youngest one in the housing unit.
"Hey, John," you say giving the kid a hug.
"Y/n," He says happily.
"I got something for your birthday," you say pulling out a play bow and arrow from behind your back. He squeals happily grabbing them out of your hands. You look at him and find something missing. You pull your mask from behind your back. You put it on him, find that it was perfect. He laughs and runs off with the rest of his family members, pretending he was you.
You look at his mom Diana to see her grinning.
"He hasn't been like that in forever," she says in awe.
"Yeah, I noticed. He's still eating good right?" You ask.
"Yeah, he's a bit sick though. We can't afford a doctor so..." she sighs.
"Well I have two bags left and they call your name." You say placing them in her lap. She pulls you into a hug.
"What did we do to deserve you, y/n?"
"I know what it was like living on the streets as an orphan. As long as you guys don't end up there, I'll be fine."
She pats your hands and smiles at you.
"They're having mac and cheese for dinner today if you want to stay," she says.
"I wish I could stay, but I'm planning on going to Stark tower to steal some of Stark's money that he keeps in the safe." You whisper.
"You're going to get caught," she says shaking your head.
"I'll try not to, but If I can get into Stark's safe I can provide for you guys so much more. Maybe even get you settled in a house." You say.
"Y/n, I know that we mean a lot to you, but sometimes you need to live with it. We are perfectly fine with what you give us, even when we are fine." Diana says.
"I know, but I just want to see my limit." You sigh.
"Be careful" she pleaded.
"I will" you reassured her.

*            *              *
You walk into the entrance of the tower noticing something was off. Instead of seeing a Stark logo, you see a giant A. Maybe Stark had some huge renovation, you thought. As you walk up to the front entrance you pull out a fake id. You made sure that everything was in line to steal the money. Tony was hosting a party, surely he wouldn't notice an uninvited guest.
The woman at the front office asks for your name, but instead of answering you shoot a sleeping dart at her neck. She instantly falls asleep, and you begin your work starting with haking the computer. You have heard that Tony created this AI named Jarvis, so you quickly disabled him for forty-five minutes. Long enough for you to be in and out, but it was quick enough not to be noticed. You ride the Elevator until you hit the floor that party was at somewhere near the top. You look around and see that no one was coming.

You briskly walk down the hall looking for a safe. You finally find it in a bedroom filled to the brim with extra tools and metal. The Grey container only had a single twist lock on it, so you easily bypassed the security. For such a smart guy, you thought, he wouldn't think to put a lock on his money. You reached out and grabbed a handful of money, and you stuffed it into your purse. Suddenly, the alarms went off. You might have hit a laser or something, but the door slams shut and the window slowly get covered with sheets of metal. You hear voices headed toward the door and get closer to the second.
You grabbed a small piece of metal and threw it through the glass shattering it instantly. You jumped out of the window as soon as the door burst open. Five men and a woman watched as you plummeted to the ground, before shooting an arrow to the building across the street. It attached and you landed safely on the ground. You saluted mockingly and slid down one of your hidden passageways and headed to Queens.
When you were halfway there, you pulled out a cell phone you had that couldn't be traced. You opened CNN and clicked on the Latest News button. It pulled up a series of articles titles, the largest one being Avengers get robbed by Robin Hood. You laugh silently trying not to make a noise. You click on a title and read it. It talks about who the Robin Hood might be and how they were able to bypass all of the Avengers securities.
Finally, after walking a long distance, you saw the housing unit. You walked over to it, half expecting it to be open. You pick the lock and slowly open the door.
In the center of the unit was a man with a bow and arrow. You see Diana and John shaking and run over to them.
"Are you okay?" You ask quietly not trying to get caught by the strange man.
"You should get out of here, it isn't safe." Diana murmurs still shaking.
"No, not without you."
"Please, just save your own life." She pleads with you.
"No," you say pulling back the drawstring. "On my count, run toward the exit."
"Please y/n," she says trying to get you out of here,
"No. Take this money, find Max, Rosie, and her kids. Go to this address, and tell them Robin Hood says hello" you say momentarily setting your bow down to write an address down on an extra piece of paper.
"Fine, please..."
"Stay safe. I'll be fine" you say picking up your bow again.
You pull back the drawstring and aim right below the man's feet. It hits and releases a gas the covers Diana's escape. The smoke clears, and instead of having one man, the six people from the tower stand and glare at out.
"Tony Stark" you sneer "Names Robin Hood. What are you doing on my turf?"
"I could have asked you the same thing," He says taking a step forward.
"Step back or you die." You say pointing the arrow at his head. He takes a step back but not much. You look around and see a woman pointing a run at you next to a man with a bow and arrow. "Drop your weapons, shields and any armor, except you copycat. You can keep your weapon, even though a tacky bow won't do squat against me." They still keep their weapons trained at me and you groan. "Seriously, you asked for it." You fire an arrow at the man's shield which reflects the woman's gun, making both of them drop the gun and shield. The arrow then bounces off tony's armor pressing a secret button that deactivates it. Finally, Thor catches it not knowing that it has an electric charge, he screams and then drops his hammer.

You look down at your nails, before glaring at the pathetic Avengers. They all look shocked except for Clint which just looks bored.

"I told you to drop your weapons." you say shrugging your shoulders.

"Look, kid, just return my money and we won't mess with you" Tony grumbles.

"No offense Mr. Stark, But you really aren't in the proper place to make negotiations. Plus I already gave out your money to those who need it more than you." You reply, "Just stay out of my turf and we won't have any problems. Especially you clint, I don't need a former friend messing with my practice."

"Seriously, Y/N. That was ten years ago"

"Don't 'Seriously, Y/N' me Clint. You turned your back on me, and even though you gave up your way, I got stabbed defending your sorry butt" You say pointing to a faint scar that runs down your arm.

"Do you mind explaining your sob story to us, Clint. How do you even know her?"  Tony asks eyeing me suspiciously.

"Before I joined Carson Carnival of Travelling Wonders, I helped Y/N with her vigilante work. We worked with giving people money from rich people. And then.." he trails off.

"And then you ditched me because your brother and you wanted to join Carson. After you left, oh so nicely, I had to fight old fiery himself."

"Hex returned?"

"Yeah and he gave me this nasty scar for not telling him your secrets"

"Y/N, I'm sorry"

"It's too late Clint. Don't come after me" you say before pulling your drawstring back "Don't track, follow, or even try to approach me, or this arrow won't hesitate to be put in your eye socket." 

You fire the arrow at the ground causing green gas to spin around me before creating a hole in the floor. The Avengers so mesmerized by the gas that they don't notice you slip away. Everyone except Clint who throws a tracking device in your pocket, and whispers

"I'm sorry that I let you down. I won't let you go this time.

Author's Note:

I'm thinking of making a miniseries out of this. Please Vote:



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