Loki x Tony Stark

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Request: Can you do a Loki x Tony Stark one? Tony realizes his feelings for the frost giant and it ends in a kiss and they start dating. Anything else is all up to you.

A/N: Thank you for the request kanyesh. I loved writing this. I'm sorry it's kinda short and it took a little bit for me to upload. I hope you enjoy!

"I just don't understand Tony," You sighed, picking up the screwdriver and placing it on the countertop next to the rest of the tools.

Tony was fixing his newest Tesla after deciding it would be a fantastic idea to take it down the back roads of northern New York. It was pretty beat up, but nothing the ex-playboy, billionaire, genius couldn't fix. 

He scoots out from under the car, a mysterious black stain -probably oil- on his cheek. You tossed him a rag, and he wipes his hands off, grabbing a weird tool that he designed to scan the car. A blue light appears as Friday rattle numbers off. The exterior of the car seemed fine, about 90% according to the AI. It had a few scratches, nothing a new paint job couldn't fix. 

"What don't you understand?" Tony finally asked, reverting the conversation. You handed him the wrench as he went to crawl under the car once more. 

"The Whole Loki thing. I mean he's a cool guy and everything-" You started.

"Exactly," Tony cut you off,  "I don't see the problem here then," 

You rolled your eyes, knowing that Tony was going to put up a fight. It wasn't as if you hated the fact that Tony and Loki were probably going to get together. No, it was just the fact that Tony could be extremely blunt and you weren't quite sure how Loki was going to react to that. 

It was like putting two chemicals together and hoping they didn't spontaneously combust.

"Just be nice to him ToNY!" You practically squealed his name as the freezing hands of your favorite frost giant grabbed your arms. 

Loki was like an older brother to you. You loved him, but sometimes you wished he wasn't a frost giant. It wasn't fun when Loki discovered that you hated the cold and you didn't care about him being blue (literally). He would sneak up on you and engulf you in ice. It was terrible, but you loved him.

"Hey, asshole," Tony's muffled voice came out from under the floor. "I'm here too,"

"Y/n, did you hear that?" Loki asked, leaning up against the car, "I think I hear a mouse,"

You tried to muffle your laugh with a  cough, but Tony saw right through it. A string of curses later, he came out from under the car. 

"You, little miss, are in trouble," Tony announced, attacking your sides. 

Damn it. Loki must have told him that you were ticklish. 

"Nohohohoho" You screamed, trying to run from Tony. Loki was quick to pick you up bridal style and run out of the room, Tony chasing you both. 

The last thing you heard was Tony's voice as Loki carried you down the hall running as fast as he could.

"Rogers, you gotta help me. My boyfriend and my best friend teamed up,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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