How you meet: Bruce

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You gasp for air knowing that it was going to be the last breath you ever got. It was getting colder as the tempter dropped. You tried to keep yourself afloat, but even a professional swimmer wouldn't survive. You know that it was helpless, but you couldn't keep back a scream. You finally stopped struggling and sank deeper into the water. You didn't know how a simple walk could turn into your death

*1 Hour earlier*

You were walking along the rocky path in Alaska. You had come here to research whales especially narwhals and Belugas. They were at risk because of Global Warming. The Government wouldn't fund your research so you went to a private organization for help. They gave you a grant for ten thousand dollars to help with your research. 

You walked farther along the path when you saw what looked like an injured human. You sometimes had visions that looked so realistic, it was one of your powers. You walked closer to them but didn't realize the cracked ice beneath your feet. The Human disappeared as you fell into the 34 degrees water. The cold had initially shocked you so much that you barely could swim.

*Back to Present Time* 

you struggled to remain conscience ad you fell deeper from the surface. You thought about what happened in your life and how much you dedicated your life to science. You felt something pull your coat up, but blacked out before you knew what happened

*                  *               *

A few days Later.

"She's been in and out of conscience for the last few days" you heard someone say.

"Where....Where am I?" You whisper unable to talk. Every time you tried to breathe, a burning sensation filled your lungs.

"Hello, My name is Dr. Norman and you are at The Alaskan State Hospital. Do you remember what happened?"

"Kinda." you say still whispering, "I saw someone on the ice. They were bleeding pretty badly. When I went to go help them, the one below me gave way."

"Did you see the person after you fell?"

"No," you say speaking a bit louder "They just disappeared."

"Okay, finally. Do you have any health concerns that might have influenced this occurrence? Any color blindness? Any vision problems? Were you a subject to any tests?"

"Umm no. I mean I sometimes have visions, but never this realistic."

"Okay, I have to get some painkillers for you. You seem to have a visitor"

After the Doctor walked out, the visitor walked into the room. He had Short dark hair and a shy demeanor. 

"Hello," he said after pulling up a chair to the bedside, "My name is Dr. Banner, and I was wondering about your visions."

"Hello Dr. Banner, My name is Y/N Goldman. What are the questions you wanted to ask?"

"First off, Do you have PTSD or anything of the sort? Do you have flashbacks? Do you have depression?"

"Umm, last time I checked no. I don't have PTSD, flashbacks or depression."

"Okay, have you ever had visions or illusions before?"

You gulped. Whenever you had visions, it usually leads to you in the hospital. The Previous one was you saving a man named Steve. There was a gang member that had point a gun at the poor man, and instead of just watching helplessly you had thrown yourself in the way. You ended up with a gunshot to the leg, but it was better than leaving the man to fend for himself.

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